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One major event in the Enlightenment was the publication of "Encyclopédie" by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert in the mid-18th century. This work was a comprehensive compilation of knowledge and ideas that aimed to spread Enlightenment ideals such as reason, tolerance, and freedom of thought. It played a significant role in shaping intellectual discourse and challenging traditional authority during that time.

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Q: What was a Major event in the enlightenment?
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What event was the major cause of the enlightenment?

The major cause of the Enlightenment was the Scientific Revolution, which challenged traditional beliefs and authority through the use of reason and empirical evidence. This shift in thinking paved the way for questioning traditional institutions and ultimately led to the development of Enlightenment philosophies focused on individual rights, reason, and progress.

Which event was a major cause of the Enlightenment?

The Scientific Revolution was a major cause of the Enlightenment. The new scientific discoveries and methods challenged traditional beliefs and inspired a more critical and rational approach to understanding the world. This shifting perspective laid the foundation for the Enlightenment's focus on reason, individualism, and progress.

Who was major concept in enlightenment thinking?

Reason was a major concept in Enlightenment thinking, with philosophers emphasizing the use of reason and logic to understand the world and improve society. Enlightenment thinkers believed that reason could lead to progress, freedom, and the betterment of human society.

What is the following event was a consequence of the enlightenment?

Which of the following events was a consequence of the Enlightenment? this is the answer = French citizens rebelled against the French monarchy and established a representative form of government.

What was a major belief in enlightenment thinkers?

One major belief of Enlightenment thinkers was the idea of reason. They believed in the power of human reason to understand and improve the world, advocating for the use of logic, science, and rational thinking in all aspects of life.

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What event was the major cause of the enlightenment?

The major cause of the Enlightenment was the Scientific Revolution, which challenged traditional beliefs and authority through the use of reason and empirical evidence. This shift in thinking paved the way for questioning traditional institutions and ultimately led to the development of Enlightenment philosophies focused on individual rights, reason, and progress.

Which event was a major cause of the Enlightenment?

The Scientific Revolution was a major cause of the Enlightenment. The new scientific discoveries and methods challenged traditional beliefs and inspired a more critical and rational approach to understanding the world. This shifting perspective laid the foundation for the Enlightenment's focus on reason, individualism, and progress.

What did the Enlightenment had its origins in what earlier event in Europe?


What event in the northern America led to the enlightenment?

The American Revolution

Which event marked the end of the Enlightenment?

death of Immanuel Kant

What Enlightenment ideas influenced colonists?

The Enlightenment was a major influence on the political ideas of the colonists who pushed for independence from Great Britain

What was a major concept in Enlightenment thinking?

Logical reasoning was a major concept in Enlightenment thinking.

What is a major event?

a major event is something very big that has happened

How did the rulers of Austria and Prussia respond to the Enlightenment?

The rulers of Prussia and Austria responded to the Enlightenment by attacking and invading France. The Enlightenment was the major revolution in human thought.

What are some major events?

A major event is that man walked on the moon. Another major event is that President Kennedy was shot. Another major event was the bombing of Pearl harbor.

What was Hitler's major event?

I think that Hitler's major event was the killing of the Jews.

What was a major belief of Enlightenment?

Leaders should be chosen by the people