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Q: What topic is narrow enough to serve as the subject of a problem-and-solution essay?
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What topic is narrow enough to serve as the subject of a persuasive essay?

"The benefits of incorporating mindfulness in elementary school curriculum" is a narrow and focused topic that can serve as the subject of a persuasive essay. You can explore the advantages of teaching mindfulness to young children and provide evidence to support your argument.

What is the subject of an essay?

The subject of an essay is the main topic or theme that the essay discusses or explores. It is the central idea that the writer focuses on and develops throughout the writing.

What is a way to narrow your topic for a persuasive essay?

One way to narrow your topic for a persuasive essay is to focus on a specific aspect or angle within the broader topic. You can also consider narrowing the scope by looking at a particular time period, geographic location, or demographic group. This will help you create a more targeted and focused argument for your essay.

What is a Broad Statement in an essay?

A broad statement in an essay is a general statement made at the beginning of the essay that introduces the topic but does not provide specific details or arguments. It is often used to set the stage for the discussion that will follow and to grab the reader's attention.


Yes, revision can help evaluate if your subjects have enough relevant and substantial points for a strong compare-and-contrast essay. During revision, you can assess the depth and clarity of your analysis, check if your points align with your thesis, and determine if you have enough evidence and examples to support your comparisons. Making necessary adjustments during revision can strengthen the overall quality of your essay.

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The experience of watching the sunrise from a specific location, such as a mountain peak or a beach, could be a narrow enough topic for a descriptive essay. This subject allows for a detailed exploration of sensory details, emotions, and the atmosphere unique to that particular moment.

What topic is narrow enough to serve as the subject of a persuasive essay?

"The benefits of incorporating mindfulness in elementary school curriculum" is a narrow and focused topic that can serve as the subject of a persuasive essay. You can explore the advantages of teaching mindfulness to young children and provide evidence to support your argument.

Which topic is narrow enough to address in a cause-and-effect essay?

The impact of social media on mental health or the relationship between exercise and stress levels could be narrow enough to address in a cause-and-effect essay.

Which topic is narrow enough to address in a cause and effect essay?

The impact of social media on mental health is a narrow enough topic to address in a cause and effect essay, as it allows for a focused discussion on how the use of social media can influence individuals' psychological well-being.

Which topic is narrow enough to serve as the subject of a problem-and-solution essay?

A specific topic like the impact of social media on teenage self-esteem would be narrow enough for a problem-and-solution essay. This allows for a focused discussion on the problem and potential solutions within that specific context.

Which topi is narrow enough to address in a cause-and-effect essay?

"The impact of social media on mental health in teenagers" is a narrow and specific enough topic to address in a cause-and-effect essay. It allows for a focused examination of how social media usage directly influences the mental well-being of a particular demographic.

Which topic is narrow enough for a student to conduct online research for a three-page essay?

"The impact of social media on mental health in teenagers" would be a suitable and narrow enough topic for a three-page essay. This topic allows for focused research on a specific demographic and its relationship with a particular aspect of technology.

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What writing topics is narrow enough for a short essay?

"The impact of social media on teenagers' mental health" would be a narrow and focused topic suitable for a short essay. It allows for in-depth exploration within a limited word count.

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