Heightened understanding refers to a deeper level of comprehension or insight beyond the surface level of a topic or situation. It can involve seeing connections, patterns, or implications that were not immediately obvious. This increased understanding can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.
A profound experience is a deeply significant or impactful moment that can shape one's understanding of themselves, others, or the world around them. It often involves a heightened sense of awareness, emotion, or insight that leads to personal growth or transformation.
"Be on the same page" is an idiom that means to agree or have the same understanding or opinion about something.
Reflecting your understanding means summarizing or paraphrasing what someone has told you in order to demonstrate that you have comprehended their message accurately. It shows the other person that you are actively listening and processing the information they are sharing.
"Konsepto" is a Filipino word that means concept or idea. It refers to the fundamental understanding or abstraction of something.
"Unsympathetic" means lacking in compassion or understanding towards others, showing a lack of concern for their feelings or emotions.
Heightened means made higher, increased.
True and Total answer possibly Illumination i am not 100% sure but i think
The root word of 'heightened' is 'high'.
It means understanding who they are
how does the identification of cultural impact our understanding of what it means to be human
Coherent means 'adapted to the understanding'.
A heightened sense of smell is called hyperosmia. This condition can cause individuals to be more sensitive to odors and smells in their environment.
Agitated means to feel or appear troubled, nervous, or upset. It can also refer to a state of heightened physical or emotional disturbance.
Getting it or Catching on