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A question and answer teaching method.

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Zena Waelchi

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5mo ago

The teaching style identified with Socrates is the Socratic method. This approach involves engaging students in a dialogue to stimulate critical thinking, uncover knowledge through questioning, and challenge assumptions. Socrates believed in the importance of self-discovery and questioning one's beliefs to arrive at deeper truths.

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Q: What teaching style is identified with Socrates and what is it like?
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Why were the think leaders in Athens so threatened by Socrates teaching?

The Athenian elite felt threatened by Socrates because his teachings challenged traditional beliefs and societal norms, creating potential for unrest or disobedience among the youth. Socrates also questioned authority and exposed the ignorance of those in power, which made him a target for those in positions of influence.

What was socrates life like?

Socrates lived in ancient Greece around the 5th century BCE. He was known for his philosophical teachings and his Socratic method of questioning. Socrates did not write any of his ideas down, so most of what we know about him comes from the writings of his students, like Plato. He was sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock for questioning the beliefs and values of Athenian society.

Socrates drinks from the hemlock because?

he was going agenst government by teaching philosiphy and Greece did not like it so they put him to death and to proove a point he did it willingly un afraid of death but what would i know i just learnd it in histery last week

Is Socrates father of the tragedy?

No, Socrates is not considered the father of tragedy. Tragedy in ancient Greece developed separately from Socrates' philosophical contributions. The origins of Greek tragedy are attributed to playwrights like Thespis and Aeschylus.

Why was Socrates put to death?

Socrates was put to death for impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens. It was believed that his teachings challenged the traditional beliefs and values of the city, leading to his trial and subsequent sentence of drinking poison hemlock.

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What teaching styles is identified with Socrates and what was it like?

A question and answer teaching method.

What teaching style is with socrates and what is it like?

A question and answer teaching method.

Did Socrates really invent the first school?

No, Socrates did not invent the first school. He was a Greek philosopher who focused on ethics and the Socratic method of teaching, but he did not establish a formal school like later philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle.

What was Socrates's life like?

Socrates what was socrates life like it was like blah blah blah help me PLEASE

Why were the think leaders in Athens so threatened by Socrates teaching?

The Athenian elite felt threatened by Socrates because his teachings challenged traditional beliefs and societal norms, creating potential for unrest or disobedience among the youth. Socrates also questioned authority and exposed the ignorance of those in power, which made him a target for those in positions of influence.

What is the origin of teaching methods?

Teaching methods have evolved over time based on cultural beliefs, educational theories, and advancements in technology. Historically, teaching methods have been influenced by philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, as well as educational pioneers like Friedrich Froebel and Maria Montessori. Today, teaching methods continue to adapt to new research on learning styles, student engagement, and effective pedagogy.

What is a website that gives an interactive style teaching to year 11 math methods-kind of like mathletics but at a higher level?

'education city'

What was socrates life like?

Socrates lived in ancient Greece around the 5th century BCE. He was known for his philosophical teachings and his Socratic method of questioning. Socrates did not write any of his ideas down, so most of what we know about him comes from the writings of his students, like Plato. He was sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock for questioning the beliefs and values of Athenian society.

Socrates drinks from the hemlock because?

he was going agenst government by teaching philosiphy and Greece did not like it so they put him to death and to proove a point he did it willingly un afraid of death but what would i know i just learnd it in histery last week

Is Socrates father of the tragedy?

No, Socrates is not considered the father of tragedy. Tragedy in ancient Greece developed separately from Socrates' philosophical contributions. The origins of Greek tragedy are attributed to playwrights like Thespis and Aeschylus.

Why was Socrates put to death?

Socrates was put to death for impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens. It was believed that his teachings challenged the traditional beliefs and values of the city, leading to his trial and subsequent sentence of drinking poison hemlock.

What is socrates last name?

Socrates did not have a last name in the traditional sense. He is known simply as Socrates, as naming conventions during his time did not include family surnames like we have today.