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To make a final bid for support by restating the central point of the argument. (APEX)

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The conclusion of an argument serves to summarize the main points presented in the argument, reiterate the main claim or thesis, and provide a sense of closure to the discussion. It offers the final opportunity to persuade the audience by restating the key reasons and reinforcing the validity of the argument.

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Q: What purpose does the conclusion of an argument serve?
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Can a valid deductive argument have a false conclusion?

No, a valid deductive argument cannot have a false conclusion. If the argument is valid, it means that the conclusion logically follows from the premises. If the conclusion is false, it means that the argument is not valid.

Can a sound argument have a false conclusion?

A sound argument cannot have a false conclusion. A sound argument refers to a deductive argument which is valid and has all true premises, therefore its conclusion cannot be false.

His argument can move from a specific premise to a specific conclusion or from a general premise to a general conclusion?

Yes, arguments can move from a specific premise to a specific conclusion, which is known as a deductive argument. They can also move from a general premise to a general conclusion, which is known as an inductive argument. The structure and validity of the argument depend on the relationship between the premise and conclusion.

What are the two parts of an argument?

The two parts of a logical argument are the premise (or premises) and the conclusion. The premise is the part of an argument that visibly have evidence or logical steps to reach a conclusion. A conclusion is the result of the reasoning in the premise.

A valid argument can have a false conclusion True or False?

True. A valid argument can have a false conclusion if the premises logically lead to that conclusion even though it is not true. Validity in logic refers to the structure of the argument, regardless of the truth or falsity of the premises or conclusion.

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To restate your argument

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To restate your argument

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Planned Conclusion Conclusion of a carefully designed or planned activity or programm to serve a particular purpose or advantage

What is the purpose of the arguments conclusion?

to restate the central point of the argument and make a final bid to the audience's support.yw :)

Can a valid deductive argument have a false conclusion?

No, a valid deductive argument cannot have a false conclusion. If the argument is valid, it means that the conclusion logically follows from the premises. If the conclusion is false, it means that the argument is not valid.

Can a sound argument have a false conclusion?

A sound argument cannot have a false conclusion. A sound argument refers to a deductive argument which is valid and has all true premises, therefore its conclusion cannot be false.

His argument can move from a specific premise to a specific conclusion or from a general premise to a general conclusion?

Yes, arguments can move from a specific premise to a specific conclusion, which is known as a deductive argument. They can also move from a general premise to a general conclusion, which is known as an inductive argument. The structure and validity of the argument depend on the relationship between the premise and conclusion.

What is the purpose of an argument's conclusion?

Answer this question… To restate the central point of the argument and make a final bid for the audience's support

What are the two parts of an argument?

The two parts of a logical argument are the premise (or premises) and the conclusion. The premise is the part of an argument that visibly have evidence or logical steps to reach a conclusion. A conclusion is the result of the reasoning in the premise.

A valid argument can have a false conclusion True or False?

True. A valid argument can have a false conclusion if the premises logically lead to that conclusion even though it is not true. Validity in logic refers to the structure of the argument, regardless of the truth or falsity of the premises or conclusion.

What is a deductive argument?

A deductive argument is a logical reasoning process where the conclusion necessarily follows from the premise. If the premises are true, the conclusion must also be true. It is a form of reasoning that aims to provide logically conclusive evidence for the conclusion.