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Thomas Hobbes, John Lock, Voltaire, and montesquieu.

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Philosophers like Karl Marx, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Thomas Paine have all played significant roles in inspiring the idea of revolution. Their works on social inequality, political legitimacy, and individual rights have influenced revolutionary movements throughout history. Marx's critique of capitalism, Rousseau's ideas on the social contract, and Paine's advocacy for democracy have been particularly influential in shaping revolutionary thought.

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Q: What philosophers inspired the idea of revolution?
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What was the role of philosophers during the French Revolotion?

Philosophers played a significant role in shaping the ideals of the French Revolution through their writings and ideas. Thinkers like Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu influenced the revolutionary leaders by promoting concepts such as equality, liberty, and democracy. Their works helped to inspire the revolutionaries and provided intellectual justification for the radical changes that took place during the French Revolution.

How were Scientists of the Scientific Revolution and philosophers in the Age of Enlightenment linked?

Scientists of the Scientific Revolution and philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment were linked through their shared emphasis on reason, observation, and the pursuit of knowledge. Many Enlightenment thinkers were inspired by the scientific discoveries and methods of the earlier period, leading to a greater emphasis on rationality and empirical evidence in philosophy and society. This connection between science and philosophy helped shape the intellectual culture of the time and influenced developments in both fields.

What effect did the scientific revolution have on philosophers?

The Scientific Revolution challenged traditional views and methods of inquiry, leading philosophers to adopt more empirical and evidence-based approaches. This shift influenced philosophers to emphasize observation, experimentation, and reasoning as essential tools for understanding the natural world and shaping philosophical thought.

What revolution inspired the Haitian revolution?

The American and French Revolutions inspired the Haitian Revolution in the late 18th century. They provided models of independence, equality, and freedom that influenced the enslaved people of Haiti to rise up against their colonial oppressors and fight for their own emancipation.

The writings of enlightenment philosophers in Europe encouraged later political revolution with their support?

Yes, the writings of enlightenment philosophers such as John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire promoted ideas of individual liberties, popular sovereignty, and natural rights. These ideas inspired revolutionaries during events like the American and French Revolutions to challenge authoritarian rule and establish more democratic societies.

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The idea (associated with the French Revolution) that individual desires should matter

Whose teachings inspired the French Revolution?

The Enlightenment philosophers, particularly Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu, inspired the French Revolution with their ideas on individual rights, freedom of speech, and the separation of powers. Their teachings challenged the absolute power of the monarchy and paved the way for the revolutionaries' demands for liberty, equality, and fraternity.

What revolution did the french inspired?

One revolution the French Revolution inspired was the Latin Revolutions such as the ones in Haiti and Mexico.

What was the role of philosophers during the French Revolotion?

Philosophers played a significant role in shaping the ideals of the French Revolution through their writings and ideas. Thinkers like Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu influenced the revolutionary leaders by promoting concepts such as equality, liberty, and democracy. Their works helped to inspire the revolutionaries and provided intellectual justification for the radical changes that took place during the French Revolution.

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Lenin inspired the Russian Revolution of 1917.Lenin

Who were the four French philosophers who inspired French people to revolt?

The French philosophers are Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau, Denis Diderot.

About 6 French philosophers of 1889 to 1899 French revolution?

hum french revolution? you mean 1789 revolution?

Who are the concerned people on scientific revolution?

The radicals, the philosophers and so on..

Mary Wollstonecraft was inspired by .?

the French Revolution

How did the French revolution influence African slaves in France's Caribbean colonies?

It inspired them to launch their own political revolution.

Which country was inspired by the American revolution to carry out its own revolution?

There have been a number of countries which have been inspired by the American Revolution to overthrow various dictators and monarchs. However, the first to be inspired and, perhaps the most prominently so, was France, which had an explosive French Revolution in 1789.

What inspired their action towards the french revolution?

The enlightenment period of independent thinking and the American Revolution inspired the French Revolution to begin and the editing/creating of the French constitution.