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Viking era

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The fallow period tends to decrease as cultivation becomes more intense. Fallow is the period of time where fields are left uncropped to allow the soil to recover and restore its nutrients. In intense cultivation systems, fallow periods are often shortened or eliminated to maximize crop production.

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Q: What period of time tends to decrease as cultivation becomes more intense?
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What best describes détente?

Détente refers to a period of reduced tension between nations, typically achieved through diplomacy and negotiation. It often involves agreements to decrease military activity and promote cooperation in areas such as trade, culture, and environmental issues.

What is the conclusion for ressision?

The conclusion for a recession is typically a period of economic decline characterized by a decrease in GDP, rising unemployment rates, and reduced consumer spending. It can have negative impacts on businesses, individuals, and overall economic growth. However, recessions are a natural part of the economic cycle and can provide opportunities for restructuring and growth in the long term.

Why did learning decline before the age of Charlemagne?

Learning declined before the age of Charlemagne due to the chaos and instability that followed the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The collapse of centralized authority led to a lack of resources and support for education, causing institutions like schools and libraries to suffer. This period, known as the Dark Ages, saw a decrease in literacy and intellectual development in Europe.

What was the age of enlightenment classical or baroque?

The Age of Enlightenment overlapped with the Baroque period but is usually associated with the transition to the Classical period in music and the arts. The Classical period followed the Baroque period and emphasized clarity, balance, and order in contrast to the ornate and emotional style of the Baroque.

What period in Philippines was conisdered as the period of darkness?

The period in the Philippines that is considered as the "period of darkness" is the Martial Law era, which lasted from 1972 to 1981 under the rule of President Ferdinand Marcos. It was characterized by suppression of civil liberties, media censorship, human rights violations, and corruption.

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The correct answer is length of fallow period.

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