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Apolinario Mabini, a Filipino revolutionary leader, is often referred to as the "Sublime Paralytic" and considered the "Brain of the Revolution." He advocated for Philippine independence from Spanish colonial rule and later resisted American occupation. Mabini's commitment to Filipino sovereignty and his role as a key advisor to revolutionary leaders have earned him the comparison to George Washington.

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Q: What man liked to think of himself as the George Washington of the Philippines?
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Why did people in the South believe in slavery?

People in the South believed in slavery primarily because it was an essential component of their economy, particularly in industries such as agriculture. Additionally, there was a deep-rooted belief in white supremacy and the idea that African Americans were inferior and needed to be controlled and dominated. Historical and cultural factors also played a role in perpetuating the institution of slavery in the South.

What is hades personalty?

In Greek mythology, Hades is often depicted as stern, imposing, and aloof. He is typically associated with the underworld and ruling over the dead, which contributes to his somber and serious demeanor. Hades is known for his sense of duty in maintaining order in the realm of the dead and abiding by the rules of the underworld.

Why does Nietzsche claim truth is a lie?

Nietzsche believed that truth was constructed by humans to serve their own needs and values, rather than reflecting an objective reality. He argued that the pursuit of truth often masked underlying power dynamics and subjective perspectives, making it inherently deceptive and contingent. Nietzsche's critique of truth as a "lie" was a way to challenge traditional notions of objectivity and encourage a more critical and self-aware approach to knowledge.

What did Hermes like and dislike?

Hermes, messenger of Zeus, liked to please his father. in this way he was a very loyal and supportive son. He liked music and was famous for his invention of the lyre, a string instrument of antiquity. He also invented the pan pipes, a multiple pipe whistle instrument made from reeds. Two things he disliked a lot were being lost or imprisoned, so he set people free and guided them to safety or where they needed to go. Read more about this in "Hermes the Olympian" by David Rosser, available on Amazon.

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