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It is deduction.

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Deductive reasoning moves from general premises to specific conclusions. This type of reasoning starts with a hypothesis or theory and tests it against evidence to reach a logical conclusion.

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Q: What kind of reasoning moves from general to specific facts in order to reach conclusion?
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A process of reasoning in which a particular conclusion is inferred from the known facts is called?

Deductive reasoning is a process of reasoning where a specific conclusion is drawn from known facts or premises. It involves moving from general principles to a specific conclusion based on logical reasoning.

Which type of reasoning moves from specific facts on order to reach a conclusion?

Inductive reasoning moves from specific facts or observations to reach a general conclusion. It involves making inferences based on patterns or trends identified in the data.

What is an example of a deductive-reasoning?

An example of deductive reasoning is: All men are mortal. John is a man. Therefore, John is mortal. It involves drawing a specific conclusion based on general premises or facts.

How do you formulate a deductive or inductive argument?

For a deductive argument, you start with a general premise and apply it to a specific case to reach a certain conclusion. In contrast, an inductive argument begins with specific observations and generalizes to a broader theory or principle. Both types aim to support a conclusion with appropriate reasoning and logic.

What describes deductive reasoning?

Deductive reasoning is a logical process in which a conclusion is derived from a set of premises or statements. It involves making specific predictions based on general principles or assumptions. Deductive reasoning aims to be valid, meaning that if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true.

Related questions

A process of reasoning in which a particular conclusion is inferred from the known facts is called?

Deductive reasoning is a process of reasoning where a specific conclusion is drawn from known facts or premises. It involves moving from general principles to a specific conclusion based on logical reasoning.

What type of reasoning moves from general facts to specific facts in order to reach a conclusion?


What kind of reasoning from specific to general facts in order to reach a conclusion?


Which reasoning moves from general facts to specific facts in order to reach a conclusion?

it ic called deduction

What kind of reasoning move general to specific facts in order to reach a conclusion?


What kind of reasoning moves from specific to General facts in order to reach a conclusion?


Which type of reasoning move from general facts to specific facts in order to reach a conclusion?

it ic called deduction

Which type of reasoning moves from specific facts to general facts in order to reach a conclusion?

it ic called deduction

Which type of reasoning moves from specific facts to general facts in order reach a conclusion?

it ic called deduction

Which type of reasoning moves from specific facts on order to reach a conclusion?

Inductive reasoning moves from specific facts or observations to reach a general conclusion. It involves making inferences based on patterns or trends identified in the data.

What is a method of proceeding from facts to a conclusion?

it ic called deduction

Which type of reasoning moves from specific fact to general facts in order to reach a conclusion?

it ic called deduction