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odysseus is an open minded person thats why he came back from trojan war!dum asses

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Odysseus is known for being a cunning and resourceful hero in Greek mythology. He is portrayed as intelligent, brave, and a skilled warrior. Despite facing numerous challenges on his journey home from the Trojan War, he is determined and perseveres to reunite with his family.

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Q: What kind of person is Odysseus?
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How is Odysseus describe what kind of person?

Odysseus is often described as cunning, resourceful, and a skilled strategist. He is intelligent, quick-witted, and known for his ability to overcome obstacles through clever planning and innovation. Despite facing numerous challenges on his journey home from the Trojan War, Odysseus's determination and cleverness help him navigate through difficult situations.

In Phaeacia Odysseus says he respects one person more than any man alive Who?

In Phaeacia, Odysseus expresses his respect for the blind bard Demodocus, saying he values his storytelling abilities more than any other living person. Demodocus is able to capture the essence of Odysseus’s adventures through his songs, earning the admiration of the hero.

What is the possessive of Odysseus Odysseus' or Odysseus's?

Both "Odysseus'" and "Odysseus's" are correct ways to show possession. "Odysseus'" is more commonly used in formal writing, while "Odysseus's" is more common in casual writing.

How is the swineherd connected to Odysseus?

In Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey," the swineherd, Eumaeus, is loyal to Odysseus and helps him upon his return to Ithaca by providing him with shelter and information about the situation in the kingdom. Eumaeus becomes a trusted ally and aids Odysseus in his plan to reclaim his throne. Their connection highlights the importance of loyalty and friendship in the epic.

What kind of conflict occurs when Odysseus tries to outwit the cyclops?

The conflict that occurs when Odysseus tries to outwit the Cyclops Polyphemus is primarily a man vs. monster conflict. Odysseus uses his cunning and intelligence to deceive the Cyclops and ultimately escape, showcasing the cleverness and resourcefulness of the hero.

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What kind of hero is Odysseus?

odyesseus is an honorable heroic person

What kind of a person is Calypso?

Shes a Goddess, That was in love with Odysseus.

Who is the first person Odysseus encounters when he returns to Ithaca?

The first person Odysseus met was Eumaeus his swineherd.

What kind of tone is created by Odysseus's words?


What does this person tell Odysseus?

this person tells him how to get home and what way to take.

Who finds Odysseus and takes him to King Alcinous?

The person that finds Odysseus and takes him to King Alcinous is Navsicaa.

What kind of plants had gave of Hermes to Odysseus?

sprig of moly

How does Odysseus treat the cyclops?

the cyclops was intimidating to odysseus at first. Yet, the cyclops was kind until Odysseus took advantage of him and blinded get to the point.. the cyclops was an idiot and was kind and welcoming to Odysseus who told him his name was nobody so when asked who blinded him, the cyclops replied nobody

How is Odysseus describe what kind of person?

Odysseus is often described as cunning, resourceful, and a skilled strategist. He is intelligent, quick-witted, and known for his ability to overcome obstacles through clever planning and innovation. Despite facing numerous challenges on his journey home from the Trojan War, Odysseus's determination and cleverness help him navigate through difficult situations.

Is Odysseus a proper noun?

Yes, the noun 'Odysseus' is a proper noun, the name of a specific person (real or fictional).

Who is the only person to recognize Odysseus?

Argus the dog

The first person Odysseus meets on Phaeacia is?

A princess.