The word you are looking for is "recommend" - to suggest or advise a particular course of action.
Utilitarianism is the ethical viewpoint that promotes actions that bring the greatest overall happiness or pleasure to the greatest number of people. This could lead to the opinion that decisions should be made based on maximizing overall well-being or utility for the majority, even if it may cause harm to a minority.
I believe the applicant demonstrates strong honesty and integrity in their actions and communication based on the information provided. Their references also speak highly of their ethical conduct and trustworthiness. Overall, I have a positive opinion of the applicant's integrity.
Critical opinion refers to the evaluation, judgment, or assessment of a work of art, literature, film, music, or any other cultural product. It is the perspective of critics or reviewers who analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and overall quality of the piece based on a set of criteria. Critical opinion can vary widely among different critics and is often influenced by individual tastes and preferences.
I'd be happy to read it, but all I can offer is an opinion. There is no guarantee that my opinion will be in line with the wishes of your teachers/mentors. Send it to
As far and record-breaking, chartings, and overall ratings go, Elton John is proven to be better. But of course, the answer to this question is based entirely on personal opinion.
It is a matter of opinion
Matter of opinion, in my opinion, of course :).
This is a matter of opinion, not of fact.
not an official or overall vote or view of people in court
# is this a opinion or fact # if opinion i say the most evolved form of chickorita # Fact i dont know
Its your opinion, but It does come in black and blue and I do see a lot of boys using them in my area, but overall its your opinion.
My opinion yes
of course they are hero is the best in my opinion
Of course 99
Of course Michael Jackson doesn't suck. He was very talented and influential. OF COURSE AINT HE ROCKS (IN MY OPINION THX.
in my opinion kwa does very good overall