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Inductive reasoning involves making generalizations based on specific observations. The steps typically involve making observations, identifying patterns, forming a hypothesis, and then testing the hypothesis through additional observations or experiments to determine if the generalization holds true. It is important to note that inductive reasoning does not guarantee certainty, but rather provides probable conclusions based on the evidence at hand.

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Q: What is the steps of the inductive reasoning process?
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Inductive Reasoning

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Inductive Reasoning

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A "conjecture" is a conclusion reached simply from observations...this is a process known as "inductive reasoning". An example would be a weather forecast. The difference between "inductive reasoning" and "deductive reasoning" is that with deductive reasoning, the answer must "necessarily" follow from a set of premises. Inductive reasoning is the process by which you make a mathematical "hypothesis" given a set of observations

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Examples of inductive reasoning are numerous. Lots of IQ or intelligence tests are based on inductive reasoning. Patterns and inductive reasoning are closely related. Find here a couple of good examples of inductive reasoning that will really help you understand inductive reasoning But what is inductive reasoning? Inductive reasoning is making conclusions based on patterns you observe.

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Inductive reasoning varies from deductive reasoning as follows: 1) inductive reasoning is a reason supporting an argument and 2) deductive reasoning is an argument against an argument.

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it ic called deduction