Thomas Hobbes's most famous book is "Leviathan". It was published in 1651 and is considered one of the greatest works of political philosophy in the English language.
Thomas Hobbes's most famous quote is "Life is nasty, brutish, and short," which is from his book "Leviathan." This quote reflects his pessimistic view of human nature and the need for a strong central authority to maintain order and prevent chaos in society.
Thomas Hobbes's most famous work is titled "Leviathan." Published in 1651, this influential philosophical text discusses the social contract theory and the nature of government, arguing for a powerful sovereign to maintain order and prevent chaos in society.
Thomas Hobbes was a prominent English philosopher known for his work in political theory. His major achievement was the publication of his seminal work "Leviathan" in 1651, where he discussed the social contract theory and the necessity of a strong central authority to prevent the "war of all against all." Hobbes's ideas had a significant influence on modern political thought and the development of Western political philosophy.
"Life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." - Thomas Hobbes.
Thomas Hobbes was a 17th-century English philosopher known for his work in political philosophy. His most famous book, "Leviathan," argued for the necessity of a strong central authority to maintain social order and prevent the chaos of a "state of nature." Hobbes believed that humans are inherently self-interested and that a social contract was needed to create a stable society.
Thomas Hobbes wrote the book Leviathan.
Thomas Hobbes's famous book is called "Leviathan." It was published in 1651 and is considered one of the most important works in political philosophy.
Thomas Hobbes's most famous quote is "Life is nasty, brutish, and short," which is from his book "Leviathan." This quote reflects his pessimistic view of human nature and the need for a strong central authority to maintain order and prevent chaos in society.
The philosopher Thomas Hobbes said it, it came from the Leviathan (a book collecting most of his work)
Thomas Hobbes's most famous work is titled "Leviathan." Published in 1651, this influential philosophical text discusses the social contract theory and the nature of government, arguing for a powerful sovereign to maintain order and prevent chaos in society.
Thomas Hobbes is credited with creating the philosophies that most western political systems are now based off of. He wrote the book Leviathan on social contact theory in 1651.
Thomas Hobbes is most famous for advocating that the absolute ruler is required for stable government. See his seminal work Leviathan.
Thomas Hobbes was a prominent English philosopher known for his work in political theory. His major achievement was the publication of his seminal work "Leviathan" in 1651, where he discussed the social contract theory and the necessity of a strong central authority to prevent the "war of all against all." Hobbes's ideas had a significant influence on modern political thought and the development of Western political philosophy.
"Life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." - Thomas Hobbes.
Thomas Hobbes was a 17th-century English philosopher known for his work in political philosophy. His most famous book, "Leviathan," argued for the necessity of a strong central authority to maintain social order and prevent the chaos of a "state of nature." Hobbes believed that humans are inherently self-interested and that a social contract was needed to create a stable society.
Leviathan is a book by Scott Westerfeld. It has 464 pages and is a middle grades steampunk book.Leviathan by Thomas Hobbs has 736 pages. It is a book of political philosophy first published in 1651 about social contract theory.
"The Complete Calvin and Hobbes" has the most pages at 1440 pages .