The middle name of Manuel Quezon, the second President of the Philippines, is Luis.
Some of the middle names of Philippine presidents include Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy, Manuel Quezon Molina, Elpidio Quirino Rivera, Ramon Magsaysay del Fierro, and Carlos Garcia Polistico.
Quezon City Academy was established on June 26, 1951.
Scrooge's middle name is McDuck.
Descartes did not have a middle name. His full name was René Descartes.
His full name is John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
The middle initial of Manuel Luis Quezon is M. The M standsfor Molina. So his name is Maneul Luis M. Quezonor Manuel Luis Molina Quezon.
manuel luis m. quezon
first it was Kaliraya or Kalilayan, then it became Tayabas. Then finally Quezon.
Manuel Luis Quezón y Molinathat is Manuel L. Quezon's real and complete name:)
Some of the middle names of Philippine presidents include Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy, Manuel Quezon Molina, Elpidio Quirino Rivera, Ramon Magsaysay del Fierro, and Carlos Garcia Polistico.
The population of Quezon is 1,987,030.
It is capitalized at the beginning of the sentence or when it forms part of the proper noun. Example: Quezon Rheumatology Society
Manuel Luis Quezón y Molina
pedro quezon
Quezon is not the capital of a country. Quezon City is a city in the Philippines, and the capital of the Philippines is Manila.
Quezon City is near Manila, in the Philippines.