Pragmatists believe that thoughts that do not have practical implications or cannot be tested through experience are considered useless. They emphasize the importance of thinking that leads to action and has real-world relevance. Useless thoughts, according to pragmatists, do not contribute to solving problems or enhancing understanding.
Pragmatists are individuals who prioritize practicality and real-world outcomes over theory or ideology. They believe that the value of ideas should be judged by their practical consequences and effectiveness in tackling specific problems. Notable pragmatists include John Dewey, William James, and Charles Sanders Peirce.
An idea can generally be seen as a mental concept or insight that represents a particular thought or perspective. In this sense, a thought can be a manifestation or expression of an idea.
"Now that's a thought" is a phrase used to express approval or admiration for an idea or concept that was just mentioned. It implies that the idea is interesting, insightful, or thought-provoking.
A synonym for "thought" is "idea" or "concept." A synonym for "revolve" is "rotate" or "spin."
A notion is a thought, idea, or impulse.
Pragmatists are individuals who prioritize practicality and real-world outcomes over theory or ideology. They believe that the value of ideas should be judged by their practical consequences and effectiveness in tackling specific problems. Notable pragmatists include John Dewey, William James, and Charles Sanders Peirce.
An idea can generally be seen as a mental concept or insight that represents a particular thought or perspective. In this sense, a thought can be a manifestation or expression of an idea.
No he thought it was useless waste of time
Charles Peirce, William James, and John Dewey
Darnell Rucker has written: 'The Chicago Pragmatists'
when they guide us well and prove their usefulness.
they denied them equal rights, they thought of them as useless.
William Morgan thought of the idea for Volleyball.
for a new constitution and a bill of rights
"Now that's a thought" is a phrase used to express approval or admiration for an idea or concept that was just mentioned. It implies that the idea is interesting, insightful, or thought-provoking.
A thought is more general, it's anything that goes through your mind. An idea serves a purpose, it's a plan, opinion, suggestion, or concept. A specific thought will transform itself into an Idea.