"Suggs" is a British slang term that refers to a strong sense of self-confidence, bravado, or swagger. It is often used to describe someone who exudes charisma and charm.
Promoting a sense of pride means encouraging individuals or groups to feel proud of their accomplishments, heritage, or identity. This can boost self-esteem, motivation, and a positive sense of self-worth. It can also foster a strong sense of belonging to a community or organization.
Having a sense of self means being aware of one's own identity, beliefs, values, and emotions. It involves understanding one's abilities, preferences, and limitations, and feeling a sense of continuity and coherence in oneself over time. This self-awareness plays a crucial role in shaping one's choices, behaviors, and relationships.
Another term meaning Greedy is Eager
Samakara is a Sanskrit term from Hindu philosophy that refers to the concept of the ego or sense of self. It represents the internal dialogue or mental constructs that create a sense of individual identity and separateness from the external world. In some spiritual practices, overcoming samakara is seen as essential for achieving enlightenment and experiencing unity with the universe.
self centered
Another term used to define self worth is self-esteem. This refers to how an individual generally feels about themselves and their value as a person.
Ego refers to a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance. It can also be a psychological term for the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and personal identity.
Another term for suicide is self-destruction.
Depression Isolation Low self esteem Low sense of self worth OCD Paranoia Trust / Fear of relationships
Another word for self-image is self-concept. This refers to an individual’s perception of themselves, including beliefs, attitudes, and values that shape their identity.
Victoria's power is to sense if she is gonig to be ambushed or attacked by another vampire. Self-preservation.
Positive self-regard, combined with a sense of humility and the ability to self-reflect.
Positive self-regard, combined with a sense of humility and the ability to self-reflect.
Thoracic is another medical term for pleural when used in the sense of naming the thoracic or pleural cavity.
Attitude and self-respect.
Self taught is another term used for self development.Self development is actually dependent upon the factors in which the person is living, surrounding factors helps a lot in self development.