A subjective decision is based on personal opinions, feelings, and interpretations rather than on concrete facts or evidence. It can vary depending on individual perspectives and may not be universally agreed upon.
A subjective decision is one that is based on personal feelings, beliefs, or opinions rather than on objective evidence or facts. It is influenced by individual perspectives and experiences, making it open to interpretation and varying from person to person.
Costs are the negative aspects or sacrifices associated with a decision, while benefits are the positive outcomes or gains. Individuals may weigh costs and benefits differently based on their personal preferences, values, and circumstances. Ultimately, a person will make a decision based on their own perception of how the benefits compare to the costs.
A subjective question asks for personal opinions, feelings, or interpretations rather than facts. Answers to subjective questions can vary based on individual perspectives and experiences.
A statement can be subjective if it is based on personal opinions, feelings, or experiences. Whether it is true or false will depend on the context and the individual's perspective. What may be true for one person may not be true for another, making subjective statements subjective to interpretation.
"That movie was the best I've ever seen" is a subjective statement because it is based on personal opinion and individual tastes, making it a subjective assessment.
A subjective decision is one that is based on personal feelings, beliefs, or opinions rather than on objective evidence or facts. It is influenced by individual perspectives and experiences, making it open to interpretation and varying from person to person.
The theory that suggests that people assign different subjective values to losses and gains of equal magnitude that result from a decision is called
His or her unique values and beliefs. apex
his or her values and beliefs
The answer is largely subjective. You need to define the criteria and then make a decision for yourself.
His or her unique values and beliefspersonal opinion
A decision is choice based on an examination of facts whereas judgement is choice based on values. Either can be right or wrong or objective or subjective depending on criteria.