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A Modest Proposal was a satire written in 1729 by Jonathan Swift and published anonymously. The proposal sarcastically suggests that Irish children, in order not to burden their parents and be publicly beneficial, ought to be sold as food for the richer social classes. The essay was meant to bring attention to social problems of the day.

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"A Modest Proposal" is a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift in 1729, suggesting that Irish children be sold as food to address poverty and overpopulation in Ireland. The essay is a commentary on the mistreatment of the Irish people by the British government and serves as a critique of social and political injustices.

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When was A Modest Proposal created?

"A Modest Proposal" was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729.

Why is the modest proposal called modest?

The title of "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift is ironic. The proposal in the essay suggests a drastic and outrageous solution to poverty and famine by advocating for the selling of children as food. The use of "modest" in the title is intended to highlight the absurdity of the proposal.

What is the significance the title of A Modest Proposal?

The title "A Modest Proposal" is ironic because the proposal in the essay is far from modest - it suggests using Irish babies for food. The use of the word "modest" serves to satirize the English treatment of Ireland and highlight the extreme solutions being proposed.

In A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift what problem does the speaker describe in the opening paragraphs of A Modest Proposal?

In the opening paragraphs of "A Modest Proposal," the speaker describes the dire poverty and overpopulation in Ireland, particularly among the Catholic families. He suggests that the surplus population of impoverished children could be a burden on society.

In a Modest proposal what are three advantages Jonathan Swift claims for his proposal?

Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" suggests that his proposal can reduce the number of poor families burdened by children, provide economic benefits by selling babies as a commodity, and alleviate overpopulation and the strain on resources in Ireland.

Related questions

When was A Modest Proposal created?

"A Modest Proposal" was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729.

What describes A Modest Proposal?

A Modest Proposal is best described as a juvenile satire.

What does modest stand for in a modest proposal?


When was A Modest Video Game Proposal created?

A Modest Video Game Proposal was created in 2005.

What language did Jonathan Swift use in a modest proposal?

Jonathan Swift wrote "A Modest Proposal" in English.

What is the genre of a modest proposal?

"A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift is a satirical essay.

What actors and actresses appeared in A Modest Proposal - 2009?

The cast of A Modest Proposal - 2009 includes: Leah Braun as Abigaille

Is a modest proposal argumentative?

no it isn't

Who wrote the modest proposal?

Jonathan Swift.

Why is it not apparent that a modest proposal is a satire?

But it is apparent.

Why is the modest proposal called modest?

The title of "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift is ironic. The proposal in the essay suggests a drastic and outrageous solution to poverty and famine by advocating for the selling of children as food. The use of "modest" in the title is intended to highlight the absurdity of the proposal.

These best describes A Modest Proposal?

"A Modest Proposal" is a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift in 1729. The essay suggests an outlandish solution to poverty in Ireland by proposing that impoverished families should sell their children as food to wealthy individuals. The proposal highlights the callousness of British policy towards Irish poverty and serves as a critique of political and economic exploitation.