Answer 1:
"I don't know"
Answer 2:
There is no "THE" answer to all questions, in the sense that the same answer works regardless.
In so far as it is asked in some kind of metaphysical sense, then one has two main alternatives, of which some people would say you could use both.
1. Fear God.
2. Be logical.
Oddly enough, being logical is but a rigid adherence to the truth, and could be said to be subsumed in #1.
Not all questions are testable. Some questions may involve theoretical concepts or personal opinions that cannot be easily measured or proven through testing.
The question of free will: Does free will truly exist, or are our choices predetermined by factors beyond our control? The problem of evil: If God is all-powerful and all-loving, why does evil and suffering exist in the world? The nature of reality: Is the reality we perceive through our senses truly the ultimate reality, or could there be deeper layers of existence beyond our comprehension?
Essay questions may also be referred to as open-ended questions, long-answer questions, or free-response questions.
"Who" questions ask about people or identities, while "what" questions inquire about things or actions. "Where" questions seek information about locations.
Questions that require critical thinking typically involve analyzing complex problems, evaluating evidence, forming logical arguments, and making informed judgments. For example, questions that ask you to consider multiple perspectives, weigh different options, predict outcomes, or propose solutions to ambiguous situations all require critical thinking skills to answer effectively.
Catch-All questions are an effective way to dump unneeded questions. They prevent such questions from getting asked again and again.
Yes and no. Parents can answer many questions on this site, but they cannot answer all of the questions.
Yes! All of the members on here all do their best to answer all of the questions! :)
All questions are answered here, on wiki.answers.
Anybody that is here is capable and can answer all of your questions.
The Catch-All Questions are designed to hold (or Catch-All) questions that cannot be answered. This includes questions with not enough information, cyberbullying, inappropriate subject and illegal acts. The questions keep such questions away from public view and answering.
Catch-All questions are an effective way to dump unneeded questions. They prevent such questions from getting asked again and again.
Different people answer these questions.
some of them but not all of your questions.....
no,and that is scientifically proven
There are only 1,832,480 members and over 7,583,170 questions. Not all questions can be answered, and I just happened to see this question. Wiki Answers cannot answer ALL questions, but MOST question. Although we have a very active community, there are too many questions to be answered. In addition to this, no, we do not answer all questions. Any questions that are against our T&Cs or the law will not be answered.
You can see all the new questions as they come in on this webpage: