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John Stuart Mill's basic point is that individuals should have the freedom to act as they please as long as their actions do not harm others. He believed in the importance of individual liberties and the protection of minority opinions against the tyranny of the majority.

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How did john Stuart mill die?

John Stuart Mill died of erysipelas, a bacterial infection, in Avignon, France in 1873 at the age of 66. He had been weakened by a flu-like illness before succumbing to the infection.

According to mills essay entitled on liberty what is the only reason that power can be exercised over a member of a civilized society?

John Stuart Mill argued that the only reason power can legitimately be exercised over a member of a civilized society is to prevent harm to others. This principle is known as the harm principle, and is a central tenet in Mill's essay "On Liberty."

Who believed it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied?

The philosopher John Stuart Mill believed that it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. This idea reflects Mill's preference for intellectual depth and critical thinking over superficial contentment, as he valued the pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement.

Which of these was a belief of John Stuart Mill?

John Stuart Mill believed in the importance of individual liberty and freedom of expression. He also advocated for the concept of utilitarianism, which promotes actions that produce the greatest overall happiness for the greatest number of people. Mill argued for women's rights and gender equality.

What was a major political difference between Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill apex?

A major political difference between Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill was their views on individual rights. Bentham believed in maximizing happiness through utilitarian principles, while Mill placed emphasis on protecting individual liberties and freedoms, even if it didn't lead to the greatest happiness for the greatest number.

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Erich Thieme has written: 'Die Sozialethik John Stuart Mills' -- subject(s): Social ethics

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1850 the company was formed in the USA German Mills American Cereal Company; and during the same period, in Canada the North Star Mills Company by John Stuart.

When did John Stuart Stuart-Glennie die?

John Stuart Stuart-Glennie died in 1910.

When was John Stuart Stuart-Glennie born?

John Stuart Stuart-Glennie was born in 1841.

When was John Mills - soldier - born?

John Mills Houston died on 1975-04-29.

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john mcdougall Stuart is the 5th son of William Stuart

What nicknames does Stuart John go by?

Stuart John goes by Stubob.

How tall is John Henry Mills?

John Henry Mills is 6'.

What is John Stuart's birthday?

John Stuart was born on May 25, 1713.

When was John Stuart born?

John Stuart was born on May 25, 1713.

What has the author John Stuart written?

John Stuart has written: 'Caught in the act'