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Jocasta's opinion of soothsayers was negative. Regardless of them being psychics, she did not care about their predictions or think that others should waste their lives worrying about their futures.

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5mo ago

Jocasta believes that soothsayers cannot accurately predict the future and that their prophecies are not to be trusted. She dismisses the idea of fate and believes that people have the power to shape their own destinies.

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Q: What is Jocasta's opinion of soothsayers?
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What does soothsayers mean?

Soothsayers means: People who can predict the future.

What did soothsayers do in Etruscan society?

The soothsayers practiceddivination and read the omens of the gods.

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How are prophets and soothsayers different?

Prophets are called by God, to tell man what God wants man to know, philosophers are using their knowledge and reasoning only.

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Jocasta intends to convince him that prophets cannot tell the future.

How do we learn about Jocasta's death and Oedipus's self-punishment?

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How do you use soothsayer in a sentence?

The king consulted the soothsayer to predict the outcome of the upcoming battle.

What is soothsayers?

A soothsayer is a fortuneteller.Like a psychic.a soothsayer is like what a fortune teller was called in the middle ages, hope this helps! x

Who is a soothsayer character in the Bible?

The general theme in relation to "soothsayers" is that God instructs his people not to seek soothsayers and this is mentioned several times throughtout the Bible. Here is an example; Leviticus 20:6"And the soul that turneth unto necromancers And unto soothsayers, to go a whoring after them, I will set my face against that soul, And will cut him off from among his people"

What is the purpose in the plays action of the Soothsayers warning the strange sightings and the earthquake in Rome and Calpurnias dream?

foreshadowing.. tells whats gonna happen