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He believed that people were born with three basic rights: life, liberty, and property.

Thomas Jefferson later changed this to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of Independence.

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john Locke was a key figure in the development of liberal democratic thought. He proposed the idea of natural rights, arguing that individuals have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property that cannot be taken away. Locke also believed in the social contract theory, suggesting that legitimate political authority is derived from the consent of the governed.

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What Enlightenment thinker influenced Jefferson?

john Locke

Did John Locke believe in Plato's theory of Innate Ideas?

No, John Locke rejected Plato's theory of innate ideas. Locke believed that the mind at birth is a blank slate (tabula rasa) and that knowledge comes from experience through the senses. He argued that all knowledge is derived from sensory perception and reflection on our experiences.

How did John Locke's ideas help explain why the colonists looked to their legislatures for leadership instead of to the colony's governor?

John Locke's ideas emphasized the importance of representative government and the consent of the governed. Colonists looked to their legislatures for leadership because they saw them as representatives chosen by the people, in line with Locke's notion of government by consent and the protection of individual rights. This contrasted with the colony's governor, who was often appointed by the British Crown and seen as less accountable to the colonists.

Which form of government does john Locke oppose?

John Locke opposed absolute monarchy as a form of government. He believed in the idea of limited government that respects individual rights and is based on the consent of the governed. Locke's ideas were influential in the development of modern liberal democracies.

What are the two philosophers that ThomasJefferson borrowed many of his ideas from?

Thomas Jefferson borrowed many ideas from John Locke and Montesquieu. Locke's ideas on natural rights and limited government influenced Jefferson's writing of the Declaration of Independence, while Montesquieu's ideas on separation of powers and checks and balances influenced the design of the U.S. Constitution.

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Which American founder base their new governments on the ideas of this enlightenment philosopher?

john Locke

Whose ideas were used to write the U.S. Constitution?

john Locke's

What was the single most importance influence on Thomas Jefferson's draft of the declaration of independence?

Philosopher john Locke's ideas were an important influence on the Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence

Why was John Locke's work so important?

John Locke was the first to think of the natural rigths a man or woman is born with. He influced Thomas Jefferson and a lot of his ideas influenced the US Constitution

The system checks and balances in the US constitution was influenced by the ideas of which enlightenment thinker?

John Locke

Whose ideas did Jefferson draw upon while drafting the delcaration of Independence?

John Locke my friend, john Locke

What two important ideas of John Locke are reflected in the Constitution?

The two important ideas of John Locke that are reflected in the Constitution are that people have natural rights to life, liberty and the property and the government is an agreement between ruler and the ruled.

Who Argued the ideas of natural rights?

John Locke

Who disliked john Locke's ideas and why?

Your mom. XDDD

Who inspired the ideas of the declaration of independence?

John Locke

Who used ideas from John Locke?

Thomas Jefferson

The declaration of independence was based on the ideas of who?

John Locke