Prejudice against Socrates likely arose due to his unconventional beliefs challenging societal norms and traditional authorities, leading some to perceive him as a threat to the status quo. Additionally, his relentless questioning and critical thinking made him unpopular among those who valued conformity and obedience. Accusations of corrupting the youth and impiety reinforced negative perceptions of him.
The moral of the story of Daedalus is to be cautious of one's own creations and the consequences that may arise from them. It also serves as a lesson on the importance of respecting boundaries and not overstepping them.
Moral evil in the world can be caused by individuals making choices that are harmful, unethical, or unjust towards others. It can also stem from systemic issues such as social injustices, inequality, and oppressive structures that perpetuate harm and suffering. Moral evil may arise from a lack of empathy, respect for others' well-being, or adherence to moral principles.
Another name for cyberethics is Internet ethics or digital ethics. These terms refer to the study of ethical issues and concerns that arise in the context of the Internet and digital technology.
Conflict refers to a disagreement or a clash of interests between two or more parties. It can arise due to differing beliefs, values, or goals, leading to tension and disagreement.
Contrived experiences are artificial, intentionally created situations or events that are designed to evoke specific emotions or reactions in individuals. These experiences may not arise naturally and could feel forced or inauthentic to those experiencing them.
Due to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, a wave of prejudice arose against Japanese Americans due to their resemblance to our enemies. This led to their interment in isolated camps for up to four years.
Although it would be great to choose who we work with, accusations of prejudice might arise and distractions might occur.
Anti-Sunnism refers to prejudice or hostility towards Sunni Muslims, who make up the majority of the Muslim population worldwide. It can manifest in discrimination, violence, or marginalization based solely on one's Sunni identity or beliefs. Such attitudes can arise for a variety of reasons, including sectarian tensions, political rivalries, or ideological differences.
to arise from sleep and the flow of water caused by a moving boat
Biogeographic observations indeed suggest that a evolutionary process caused new species to arise, through the process we call natural selection. This is due to an animals adaptability in it's environment.
An iatrogenic condition is one that is caused by a doctor. A doctor-caused condition might arise, for example, from prescribing the wrong medicine or performing surgery improperly.
Conflict theory posits that prejudice can arise from societal inequalities and power struggles between different groups, where dominant elites use prejudice to maintain their status and power over marginalized groups. The theory suggests that prejudice may also serve as a means to divert attention from underlying class conflicts within society.
Biographical observations suggest that a modification process caused new species to arise in the way that new species are showing up without explanation and with new adaptations to their environment. One example that is widely used is the appearance of opposable thumbs in humans and monkeys.
It really depends on the incident that has caused the compensation to arise, but in most business cases, yes. Compensation is required, like a law.
Disharmony in religion can be caused by differences in beliefs, interpretations of religious texts, traditions, or practices. It can also arise from disagreements over leadership, authority, or the role of religion in society. In some cases, historical, cultural, or political factors can contribute to tensions between religious groups.
Will arise (for example, I will arise).
The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but research suggests that it may arise from autoimmune, genetic, oxidative stress, neural, or viral causes.