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"Truth fears no questions" because no matter how the truth is questioned it wont chance the fact that it still is the truth.

If something happened and person asked you if you're sure, then it would still have happened no matter if that person believes it or not

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

This quote suggests that the truth is not afraid of being questioned or challenged because it will stand strong regardless. It implies that the truth is powerful and does not shy away from scrutiny.

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Q: What does this quote mean Truth fears no questions?
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What does this quote mean The truth is rarely pure and never simple?

This quote suggests that the truth is often complex and not easily straightforward. It implies that truth can be messy and layered, rather than being a simple black-and-white concept.

What does the quote the dignity of truth is lost with much protesting by ben jonson mean?

This quote by Ben Jonson suggests that when truth is repeatedly defended or argued over too much, its inherent dignity and credibility can be undermined. The more one protests to prove the truth, the less convincing and dignified it becomes.

What does this quote Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions mean?

This quote suggests that the ideas and aspirations we have today may provide solutions to the challenges we face tomorrow. It implies that our dreams and visions serve as potential solutions to the problems that arise in the future.

What does Richard Cecil's quote the first step toward knowledge is to know we are ignorant mean?

This quote emphasizes the importance of recognizing our lack of knowledge as the starting point for learning. It suggests that acknowledging our ignorance opens the door to seeking information, asking questions, and gaining new insights. In other words, understanding our ignorance can motivate us to pursue knowledge and personal growth.

What does the following Bismarck quote mean the great questions of the day are decided by blood and iron?

Bismarck's quote means that important issues are often resolved through the use of military force and power rather than through peaceful means like diplomacy or negotiation. It highlights his belief in the significance of war and strength in shaping the course of history.

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It means that he, or she, is willing to die for the truth.

What does this quote mean The truth is rarely pure and never simple?

This quote suggests that the truth is often complex and not easily straightforward. It implies that truth can be messy and layered, rather than being a simple black-and-white concept.

What does this quote mean every individual is capable of discovering this higher truth on his or her own through intuition.?

it means anyone can find the truth about life. They have to do it on their on though.

What does this quote mean It is a melancholy truth that even great men have their poor relations?

Melancholy means sad , you can say it’s a sad truth that great mean or successful men have bad relationship.

What does the quote the dignity of truth is lost with much protesting by ben jonson mean?

This quote by Ben Jonson suggests that when truth is repeatedly defended or argued over too much, its inherent dignity and credibility can be undermined. The more one protests to prove the truth, the less convincing and dignified it becomes.

What movie had the dialog you want the truth?

I'm guessing you mean the quote, "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!" That quotation is in the movie 'A Few Good Men' starring Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, and Jack Nicholson

What does the quote to stake ones life for truth mean?

To stake ones life means to put it at risk. Truth is harder to define. Roughly it means not false, but some see truth in aesthetics, in beauty, in some ideal, in perfection, in doing what is "right".

What does the quote the darkness swallows up most of us mean?

This quote suggests that darkness, symbolizing challenges, fears, or negative aspects of life, can overwhelm or consume most people. It implies that many struggle or are lost in difficult or uncertain times, unable to find their way out.

What does are their fears justified mean?

This means that do the characters have good legitimate reasons for their fears.

What does the quote prejudice obscures the truth mean?

prejudice is where someone assumes something about someone and it may not be true. Therefore, "Prejudice obscures the truth," means that thinking someone always fits a stereotype is probably not true.

How do you get credit for a quote you made up?

Publish it. If you're not famous, the only way to really get credit for the quote is to publish the quote in a book, magazine, newspaper, etc.. However, just because you have credit for the quote doesn't mean that the quote will become popular. Most quotes become popular because of the people who said it, not necessarily due to any intricate truth or beauty behind the quote.

What does this quote Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions mean?

This quote suggests that the ideas and aspirations we have today may provide solutions to the challenges we face tomorrow. It implies that our dreams and visions serve as potential solutions to the problems that arise in the future.