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It means for you to give only a short explanation, not to give the long answer. War and Peace is a huge novel, the person only wants the details, not an epic yarn.

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5mo ago

The phrase "it doesn't have to be peace and war" suggests that there are alternatives to extreme positions or opposite ends of a spectrum. It implies that there can be other options or solutions that do not fall within those two extremes.

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What does there is no way to peace peace is the only way mean?

This phrase suggests that the only path to achieving peace is through peaceful means; violence and conflict will not lead to lasting peace. It emphasizes the importance of resolving conflicts through dialogue, diplomacy, and cooperation rather than through aggression or war.

Is peace an antonym?

No, peace is not an antonym. An antonym of peace could be conflict, war, or turmoil. Peace is the absence of conflict or war, characterized by tranquility and harmony.

What does by the sword you seek peace but peace only under liberty mean?

This phrase implies that sometimes peace can only be achieved through the use of force or war in order to protect and maintain freedom. It suggests that seeking peace without the ability to defend one's liberties may not lead to lasting peace.

What does Saint Augustine's quote ' The purpose of all war is ultimately peace' mean?

This quote suggests that the ultimate goal of engaging in war is to establish peace and stability. In other words, war is seen as a means to achieve a greater sense of harmony and order in society. Augustine's quote reflects the idea that war should be waged with the intention of eventually securing peace.

What is the paradoxical meaning of go to war for peace?

The paradoxical meaning of "going to war for peace" suggests using violence and conflict to achieve a state of calm and harmony. This phrase highlights the contradictory idea of using war, which is destructive and chaotic, as a means to achieve peace, which is typically associated with order and tranquility.

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What does the phrase Si vis pacem parati para bellum mean?

"If you want peace, prepare for war."

What the absence of war or other hostilities?

The phrase used for the absence of war or hostilities is, itself, peace. Peace is a goal that many strive for.Ê

What absence of war or other hostilities?

The phrase used for the absence of war or hostilities is, itself, peace. Peace is a goal that many strive for.Ê

When was Absence of War Does Not Mean Peace created?

Absence of War Does Not Mean Peace was created in 2001-07.

What would be the Scottish translation for the phrase Either war or peace.?

cogadh na sith

What does there is no way to peace peace is the only way mean?

This phrase suggests that the only path to achieving peace is through peaceful means; violence and conflict will not lead to lasting peace. It emphasizes the importance of resolving conflicts through dialogue, diplomacy, and cooperation rather than through aggression or war.

What does the phrase make out not war mean?

The phrase I believe you are asking about is "Make love not war." That being the case, it is simple. It comes from the Vietnam War era Anitwar Movement and protests. It was a common phrase asking for the end of the war in South East Asia. It was a colloquial way of offering the option of peace and friendship in a time marked by the free love movement of the sexual revolution in lieu of the armed conflict of the time.

How did Lincoln feel about the peace to follow the end of the war?

"Let 'em up easy" was his phrase.

World War 1 peace plan?

What do you mean about WWI peace plan?

What does war mean in Greek?

In greek war is πόλεμος (polemos). It doesnt have greek root.

Civitas in bello et pace fidelis?

The phrase can be translated "a city or state faithful in war and in peace"

Is peace an antonym?

No, peace is not an antonym. An antonym of peace could be conflict, war, or turmoil. Peace is the absence of conflict or war, characterized by tranquility and harmony.