Walking on a thin line is like, if your on a thin line your close to falling. So it could mean your close to losing, failing, losing it, ect
It also means that you are very close to saying the wrong thing, upsetting someone, pushing the boundry, it can be meant as a warning i.e. stop an think before you say any more.
The personification here is giving human-like qualities to the clock by describing its hands as long and thin, suggesting that the clock is a person holding something up with its hands. This creates a vivid image and helps the reader imagine the scene more clearly.
The thesis of "Thin Wood Walls" by David H.C. Read is an exploration of the author's experiences living through the forced relocation and internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. The book delves into themes of identity, resilience, and the impact of wartime prejudice on individuals and families.
Examples of contrary terms include hot/cold, happy/sad, light/dark, fast/slow. Contrary terms are words that express opposite meanings.
The second argument in a marriage proposal could be seen as a promise or commitment to love, cherish, and support one another through thick and thin, for better or for worse. It symbolizes the couple's decision to embark on a journey together, facing life's challenges as a united team.
The best quote for graduation is one that you think of on your own.The quote that you use is some thin that many of people may remember you by so you want to try to make it as unique as possible..
Walking on a Thin Line was created in 301.
Walking on Thin Ice - album - was created in 1972.
Walking on Thin Ice was created on 1981-02-06.
umm no your walking on the ground.
I suppose you mean the edge of her very thin veil.
Love mean feeling and hate mean doesn't like to anything.
The Thin Green Line was created in 2007.
The Thin Pink Line was created in 1998.
The duration of The Thin Pink Line is 1.77 hours.
The Thin Line Between was created on 2008-07-15.
The Thin White Line - novel - was created in 1977.
The Thin White Line was created on 2001-07-11.