It doesn't really mean anything but gay rights activist Dan Savage made up a definition; "that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex." He made it up because of what Rick Santorum said about homosexuality.
"Santorum" commonly refers to a neologism coined by a political commentator in reference to the former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum. It gained notoriety as the result of a Google bombing campaign to associate it with a particular, graphic sexual act.
"Santorum" is a term that originated as a derogatory slang term referring to a mixture of lubricant and fecal matter that can occur during anal sex. It was coined by LGBT rights activist Dan Savage in response to comments made by politician Rick Santorum.
Rick Santorum has expressed skepticism about the theory of evolution and has advocated for the teaching of intelligent design alongside evolution in schools. He has stated his belief that there is credible scientific dissent from the theory of evolution.
"Shunaka" is a term that can be translated to mean "dog" in Sanskrit.
aroha maiAroha mai mean I'm sorry in my language (Maori)
If you're having anal sex, you need santorum in order to not irritate the anus.
Here is the website defining that term.
Rick Santorum's birth name is Santorum, Richard John.
The term "santorum" was popularized by columnist Dan Savage in 2003 to define a fictional substance that is a combination of fecal matter and lubricant. It was created as a response to then-senator Rick Santorum's controversial statements about homosexuality.
No, Rick Santorum is not single.
Rick Santorum is Catholic.
Rick SANTORUM is a republican candidate running for president
Rick Santorum has 8 children
Yes, Rick Santorum has 8 kids.
Yes, Rick Santorum has 8 kids.
Rick Santorum has 8 children
Frothiness is more prominent in santorum