Think! when giving a command to someone you don't know very well.
"Mahal ko sya" means "I love him/her" in English.
"Perduto" is an Italian word that translates to "lost" in English.
"Ngiyakuthanda" is a Zulu phrase that means "I love you" in English.
"Sophiam" is not a word in English. It may be a misspelling or a word from another language.
"Shateavia" is not a common English word or name, so it is likely a unique or invented name. It does not have a specific meaning in English.
Piense / piensen / piensa / pensad más
"Piense usted en mañana," (polite) or "Piensate en mañana."
Lo que hace que uno piense = what thinking does.mind, understanding
Más pronto de lo que se piense me trasladaré a Florida.
What does Kayla mean in english
what does okinwana mean english
What mean in lazo in english
well it depends on what you mean by english if you mean english subtitles than YES, but if you mean spoken in english NO
What does oh a waste mean in English
what does numerous mean in English
The question "Por que la pregunta mean in English" translates to "Why does the question mean in English?" in English.
what does maisiuchain mean in english