You get a form of humor that playfully prompts the audience to think and engage with the punchline in a witty and unexpected way.
That is not a word. Check your spelling ;)
Yes, it is possible to ask a question in the middle of an essay to engage the reader and prompt critical thinking. However, it is important to ensure that the question aligns with the overall purpose and flow of the essay.
No, a rhetorical question is meant to make a point or create an effect rather than elicit an actual answer. It is used to emphasize a statement or engage the audience in a particular way.
People may answer a question with a question to clarify the original question, prompt further thought or discussion, or challenge the assumptions underlying the initial question. It can be a rhetorical device to shift the focus of the conversation or to engage the other person in deeper reflection.
Why did the U.S. engage in the war of 1812?Answer this question…
Why did the U.S. engage in the war of 1812?Answer this question…
To engage people for military service.
1. To engage in sport or recreation
No, it does not.
To engage in sexual intercourse.
This is a statement, not a question.
To engage in sexual intercourse.
To engage in legal proceedings.
Did the defendant's actions engage a criminal statute? (Study Island)
to engage in sexual intercourse with one person at a time
I believe that in this case, engage means "to participate" or "to take part in". Therefore, to engage in reading is to participate in reading, or simply to read at all. If your instructor says that they want you to "engage more in reading", they mean that they want you to try to read more so that you can improve at it. If someone says that they "frequently engage in reading", this means they read as one of their hobbies.