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"By virtue thereof" means as a result of that fact or circumstance. It is often used in legal language to refer to a right or authority granted by a specific provision or document.

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Q: What does by virtue thereof mean?
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The quote "Assume a virtue if you have it not" means that if you don't naturally possess a certain quality or virtue, you should still try to act as if you do. This can lead to the development of that virtue through practice and habit, ultimately becoming a part of your character.

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NOTHING it's usless. Your wasting your time.

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Determining the Golden Mean for every virtue is subjective and can vary based on cultural, historical, and individual perspectives. While it may not be universally agreed upon, the idea of the Golden Mean is to find the balance between excess and deficiency for each virtue. It requires considering context, ethical principles, and personal values.

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The Pennsylvania state motto "Virtue, liberty, and Independence"