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This quote by Gandhi suggests that true happiness comes from alignment between our thoughts, words, and actions. When we live authentically and with integrity by ensuring these aspects are consistent, we find inner peace and contentment. It emphasizes the importance of living in a way that is true to oneself and in alignment with one's values.

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Q: What does Happiness is when what you think what you say and what you do are in harmony mean?
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What does this quote mean happiness is when what you think what you say and what you do are in harmony?

This quote by Mahatma Gandhi suggests that true happiness comes from aligning one's thoughts, words, and actions. When these aspects are in harmony, it creates a sense of peace and contentment within oneself. It highlights the importance of living authentically and with integrity.

How do you say don't think about it in french?

You can say "Ne pense pas à ça" in French to mean "Don't think about it."

How do you say Love Peace and Harmony in norwegian?

In Norwegian, you would say "Kjærlighet, fred og harmoni."

What makes you a hippie?

You are not a true hippie if you only walk around saying peace,you are a true hippie if you are one at heart who doesn't fight,say mean things or be a snob, hippies do not hate but they can dislike something, hippies are not judgmental or roomer spreaders, they do not gossip. ( I DISLIKE GOSSIPING A LOT ) Hippies learn to be flexible in the most intense times and situations. Happiness is granted when they spread peace and love, that's why they say "peace , love & happiness". Peace + Love = Happiness = Hippie, I think that that makes a true hippie just go with the flow, I have a T-shirt that says " LIVE UNITED" and its true so do it. " DON'T JUST TALK THE TALK WALK THE WALK " Sincerely, Wish I was a hippie Carly Hope it was good :) =) ;) :D ;D

What two things does John say that the people habe sacrificed for their happiness in Brave New World?

John says that the people in Brave New World have sacrificed God and art for their happiness.

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What does this quote mean happiness is when what you think what you say and what you do are in harmony?

This quote by Mahatma Gandhi suggests that true happiness comes from aligning one's thoughts, words, and actions. When these aspects are in harmony, it creates a sense of peace and contentment within oneself. It highlights the importance of living authentically and with integrity.

English to Hindu Translation Please it's for a tattoo Happiness is when what you think what you say and what you do are in harmony?

There is no such language called "Hindu" - Hinduism is the religion practiced by many people, especially by many Indians. There are many Indian languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Telugu and many more. Do you mean Hindi, or do you mean Sanskrit, a 'holy' language that many Hindu books are written in?

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To always believe in yourselftrust yourself

How do you say 'Harmony' in Swahili?

"Harmony" in Swahili is "amani."

Is the world at racial harmony?

I am afraid not, not by a long shot. No it isn't. It is in peace and harmony as we are getting along together and we are travelling to other countries to have a career. And the job is all the country people. So i say/think the world is at racial harmony!!=O

How can you find true happiness?

Happiness; it's in your mouth, it's consonants and vowels, and the words you're choosing. You choose your world, by what you think, what you say, and what you do. So choose happiness, let it spill forth out of your mouth, and live it. Happiness is not something you get, it's something you do.

Many adults say much of todays music is discordant?

e think that rock music is out of harmony or sounds bad

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Harmony is harmonia in Portuguese. (Brazilians speak Portuguese not "Brazilian").

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What is the definition of a song sung with light chording?

If you mean not so much harmony, then I would say duet or trio or even quartet. If you mean there is background harmony, then solo or duet or trio or quartet with accompaniment. If you mean that there are some notes that sound as if they exist but they don't, then they're called ghost notes.

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When people say 'Think outside of the box' they mean think creatively.