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Psycology is important because it enable us to study and understand the work of a human mind.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Psychology is important because it helps us understand human behavior, thoughts, and emotions. It enables us to address mental health issues, improve relationships, and enhance overall well-being. By studying psychology, we can discover how people think, feel, and act, leading to advancements in various fields such as healthcare, education, and business.

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Q: What do you think Psycology is important?
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Is it important to think about peace?

Yes, it is important to think about peace as it contributes to societal well-being, fosters understanding among individuals, and promotes cooperation and harmony in a community. Thinking about peace helps create a more inclusive and tolerant society where people can coexist peacefully.

Which is more important moral or money?

Both moral values and money are important, but ultimately, one's moral compass should guide decisions about how money is earned and used. It is crucial to prioritize good morals and ethics in order to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

What did Socrates think was important to living a good life?

Socrates believed that self-knowledge, questioning assumptions, and seeking wisdom were important for living a good life. He also emphasized the importance of virtue, ethical behavior, and acting in accordance with one's principles.

What did Aristotle think was most important?

Aristotle believed that the pursuit of eudaimonia, or human flourishing, was the most important goal in life. He thought that living a virtuous life and developing one's potential to its fullest extent were key to achieving this state of well-being.

What is a role of a philosopher?

The role of a philosopher is to critically analyze and evaluate concepts, ideas, and beliefs to better understand the world and human existence. Philosophers seek to ask important questions, challenge assumptions, and offer new perspectives to promote deeper thinking and reflection on complex issues.

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its like reverse psycology, when somebody manipulates you they make you think that your in the wrong, and that there trying to help you but really their doing it for their own benefit.

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it is known that hypnosis is currently still used on psycology because it is a known remedy so the psycologist can find out whappen if anything

Other than Cesar Milans Dog Psycology center where in LA can I get my dog's behavioral problems cured?

I think there might be more ways but I am not for sure aobut it.

What is the relationship between psychology and philosphy?

Psycology is the study of people's minds and how they behave and think. Philosophy is pretty much asking questions that you wouldn't normally ask.

What is the study of why people do things?

something like psycology

Can you do MBA and MSc psycology simulteniously?

Not if you spell like that

PsicologΓ­a del trabajo traanslation into English?

work psycology

Example of industrial psycology?

Two words: NEW COKE