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Vision- what the company wants to be. Or vision outlines what the organisaton want to be and it concentrate on the future.

Mission- current activities of the company and the reason why this company exists. Or mission is the fundamental purpose of the organisation and concentrate on the present.

It also supports the mission of the company.

Quality policy-a general idea of the system the company is implementing.

In some cases they use it for Propaganda.

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A vision statement outlines the long-term aspirations and goals of an organization, guiding its direction and future state. A mission statement defines the purpose, values, and objectives of an organization, focusing on what it does, who it serves, and how it operates. A quality policy statement communicates an organization's commitment to meeting customer requirements, continuously improving processes, and ensuring quality standards are upheld throughout the organization.

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What is a social statement?

A social statement is a public declaration or articulation of an organization's stance or perspective on a particular social issue or topic. It typically conveys the organization's values, beliefs, and intentions related to that issue, aiming to provide clarity on where the organization stands and potentially influence public opinion or policy.

Can someone help you write a thesis statement?

Yes, I can help you write a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a sentence that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay or research paper. It should be specific, clear, and focused, providing a roadmap for the reader to understand the argument you will be making in your paper.

What is meaning of quality policy in marathi?

गुणस्तर धोरण - गुणस्तर धोरण हे किंवा नीती एखाद्या कंपनीच्या कार्जाच्या उत्तमता व गुणस्तराला ठरवण्याचे धोरण किंवा मार्ग.

Convert honesty is the best policy into Exclamatory sentence?

"Honesty is the best policy!"

Who said you control the states around us to protect us Sparta or Athens?

This statement is attributed to Athens. The Athenians believed in controlling the surrounding city-states to create a protective buffer zone that would safeguard their own interests and security. This aggressive foreign policy was a key aspect of Athenian imperialism during the Peloponnesian War.

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