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Some European monarchs in the 18th century began to believe in the principles of enlightened absolutism, which emphasized using rational governance and improving the welfare of their subjects while maintaining ultimate authority. They also adopted ideas of religious tolerance, education, and legal reforms that were influenced by Enlightenment philosophies.

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Q: What did some European monarchs in the 18 century begin to believe because of Enlightenment philosophies?
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Why was Enlightenment philosophy was a threat to European monarchies?

Enlightenment philosophy promoted ideals of reason, individual rights, and the separation of church and state, challenging the divine right of monarchs to rule. This threatened monarchies because it questioned their authority and legitimacy, advocating for more representative governments and limited monarchial power. Monarchs saw these ideas as a potential threat to their absolute rule and faced opposition from Enlightenment thinkers who sought to limit their control.

What are two examples why the Monarchs and the church were opposed to the ideas presented in the enlightenment?

Monarchs were opposed to the Enlightenment because it challenged their absolute rule and authority, advocating for individual rights and democratic principles. The church was opposed to the Enlightenment because it promoted reason and science over religious beliefs, threatening its traditional influence and power over society.

Why is censorship an impact of the enlightenment?

Censorship became an impact of the Enlightenment because as new ideas and knowledge spread, authorities sought to control information and prevent the dissemination of ideas that challenged traditional beliefs or political structures. Enlightenment thinkers promoted free thought and expression, leading to increased efforts by governments and institutions to censor ideas deemed subversive or dangerous to the status quo.

Why was the enlightenment called the enlightenment'?

The term "enlightenment" was given to the movement because it emphasized the power of human reason and rational thinking to illuminate and solve societal issues. It was a period in European history when thinkers and scholars sought to shed light on traditional beliefs and practices through critical thinking and scientific inquiry.

Why did European rulers embrace enlightenment ideas?

European rulers embraced Enlightenment ideas because they saw them as a way to centralize power, strengthen their authority, and modernize their governments. Additionally, these ideas promoted the belief in natural rights and the power of reason, which could be used to justify their rule and suppress opposition.

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Why was Enlightenment philosophy was a threat to European monarchies?

Enlightenment philosophy promoted ideals of reason, individual rights, and the separation of church and state, challenging the divine right of monarchs to rule. This threatened monarchies because it questioned their authority and legitimacy, advocating for more representative governments and limited monarchial power. Monarchs saw these ideas as a potential threat to their absolute rule and faced opposition from Enlightenment thinkers who sought to limit their control.

Why did monarchs censor enlightenment writers?

Monarchs censored Enlightenment writers because the ideas promoted by these writers often challenged the traditional authority of the monarchy and the Church. Monarchs saw these ideas as a threat to their power and control over society. Censorship was a way for them to maintain their authority and suppress dissenting views.

What are two examples why the Monarchs and the church were opposed to the ideas presented in the enlightenment?

Monarchs were opposed to the Enlightenment because it challenged their absolute rule and authority, advocating for individual rights and democratic principles. The church was opposed to the Enlightenment because it promoted reason and science over religious beliefs, threatening its traditional influence and power over society.

How did some European monarchs undertake important reforms?

because they did not have lot of people

Why were the kings and queens all across Europe scared of the enlightenment?

They were scared because with ideas of the enlightenment they would most likely lose their power if some were to be carried out. The enlightenment period questioned power of the church, nobility and the monarchs.

Why were strong monarchs important to European explorers?

because monarchies had the most power out of the all the groups

Why is censorship an impact of the enlightenment?

Censorship became an impact of the Enlightenment because as new ideas and knowledge spread, authorities sought to control information and prevent the dissemination of ideas that challenged traditional beliefs or political structures. Enlightenment thinkers promoted free thought and expression, leading to increased efforts by governments and institutions to censor ideas deemed subversive or dangerous to the status quo.

Why were European monarchs offended by the Monroe Doctrine?

European monarchs were offended by the Monroe Doctrine because it asserted that the Western Hemisphere was closed to future colonization by European powers and any attempt to do so would be seen as a threat to the United States. This challenged their imperial ambitions and interests in the Americas, leading to resentment and opposition from the European powers.

Early European monarchs sought the support of the middle class because?

the middle class was increasingly the source of tax revenue.

What contributed to revolution in Spanish America?

The European intellectual movement called the Enlightenment, which also inspired the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799).

What type of document of the declaration of Independence?

It is an enlightened document. The reason for this is because it is based off of philosophies which came from The Enlightenment period. It identified and focused on principles and issues that would unify the various colonial groups.

What type of document is the Declaration of Independence?

It is an enlightened document. The reason for this is because it is based off of philosophies which came from The Enlightenment period. It identified and focused on principles and issues that would unify the various colonial groups.