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the us document that he infuenced was the US Constitution

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Jerrold Quitzon

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2y ago
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5mo ago

Montesquieu's most significant influence lies in his theory of the separation of powers, which greatly impacted the political structure of many modern democracies. He believed that dividing government power between different branches would prevent tyranny and promote freedom. This concept influenced the framers of the United States Constitution and other governments around the world.

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Q: What did montesquieu's influence?
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What is good influence?

A good influence is someone or something that positively impacts your thoughts, actions, or behavior. It can inspire you to make better decisions, motivate you to reach your goals, and encourage you to grow and improve as a person. Good influences can come from various sources, such as role models, supportive friends, or positive experiences.

Who was Panchatantra was an influence on?

Panchatantra, an ancient Indian collection of fables, was a significant influence on children's literature worldwide. It has inspired storytellers, writers, and moralists across various cultures, including Aesop's fables in the Western world. Additionally, its influence extends to fields such as psychology, education, and leadership.

What was the strongest influence on the enlightenment?

The strongest influence on the Enlightenment was the scientific revolution, which emphasized reason, empirical evidence, and the power of human knowledge. This led thinkers to question traditional authority and beliefs, sparking a movement towards individual rights, democracy, and freedom of thought.

How do you say convince in another way?

Persuade, sway, influence.

What are the devotional and detergical influence in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, there is a strong devotional influence due to the predominant Roman Catholic faith, with many religious festivals and traditions shaping daily life. Additionally, the detergical influence can be seen in the emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene practices, with the use of a variety of detergents and cleaning products in households and businesses.

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What is the important of montesquieus idea of checks and balances?

Each branch of government limits the power of the other branches. -MeBeeBee

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Montesquieus spirit of the laws influenced which core democratic value in the united stats constitution?

C.the rights of the majority to revolt against tyrannical government

What government type reflects Charles de Montesquieus philosophy of government?

A country divides governments power is divided between three separate branches.

Why are Montesquieus ideas important to preserving citizens freedom?

He was the first person, per se, to propose a system of checks and balances in order to preserve rights under government.