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they learn how to do better things then a page because they were older

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A knight in the second stage of training would typically learn more advanced combat techniques, weapons training, horsemanship, and tactics for battle. They would also receive instruction on chivalry, courtly etiquette, and leadership skills.

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Which stage is defined by the young child's dependence on his or her senses to explore the world?

The stage is known as the sensorimotor stage, which is the first stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development. It typically occurs from birth to around age two, during which children learn about the world through their senses and motor skills. They also begin to develop object permanence during this stage.

What stage is agreement and consensus begin forming?

Agreement and consensus typically begin forming during the norming stage of team development. This stage is characterized by team members establishing group cohesion, defining roles and responsibilities, and working towards a common goal. It is during this stage that trust and collaboration among team members grow, leading to agreement and consensus on various issues.

Where is the position of Philippine flag on stage during graduation exercises?

The Philippine flag is typically displayed on the left side of the stage (audience's right) during graduation exercises. It should be placed higher than any other flags present and should be positioned in a place of honor.

What is Piaget's stage in which children become young philosophers and are capable of abstract thinking is the stage?

The stage you are referring to is Piaget's formal operational stage, which typically occurs during adolescence. In this stage, individuals are able to think abstractly, consider hypothetical situations, and engage in systematic problem-solving. They can also engage in more complex reasoning and philosophical discussions.

In which stage of Freytags Pyramid would a reader learn about the effects of a tragic heros fall on the world of the play?

The stage of Freytag's Pyramid where a reader would learn about the effects of a tragic hero's fall on the world of the play is the denouement or falling action. This is where the consequences of the tragic hero's actions are revealed and the impact on the world of the play is explored before reaching a resolution.

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what did a knight learn as a page

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Toddlers learn to exert their independence during the autonomy vs. shame and doubt stage, which is the second stage in Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory. This stage typically occurs between the ages of 18 months to 3 years, where toddlers start to explore their environment and assert their independence by making choices and trying new things.

What was that first stage of training a knight called?

The first stage of training a knight was called "page hood." Young boys would become pages around the age of seven and would learn basic skills such as horsemanship, obedience, and etiquette while serving as assistants to the knights.

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