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Socrates identified ignorance as the greatest evil because he believed that people do wrong only out of ignorance. He thought that true knowledge leads to virtue and that the pursuit of knowledge is the path to moral goodness.

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Q: What did Socrates identify as the greatest evil?
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Was Socrates the greatest Athenian philosopher a stonemason?

No, Socrates was not a stonemason; he was a philosopher in ancient Athens. He is considered one of the greatest Western philosophers for his contributions to the fields of ethics and epistemology.

Who was Socrates' greatest student?

Socrates' greatest student was Plato. Plato went on to become one of the most influential philosophers in Western philosophy and founded the Academy in Athens. He recorded many of Socrates' ideas and dialogues in his works.

What is evil according to Socrates?

Socrates believed that evil arises from ignorance. He thought that people do wrong because they lack knowledge of what is good and virtuous, so to act in a harmful way is to act against one's own best interest. Socrates believed that knowledge of the good would lead to moral behavior.

Who were three of the greatest greek thinkers?

Three of the greatest Greek thinkers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Socrates is known for his contribution to moral philosophy, Plato for his influential dialogues and the founding of the Academy, and Aristotle for his work in logic, metaphysics, and ethics. Together, they laid the foundation for Western philosophy.

Did Socrates claim that people know right from wrong but do evil anyway?

Socrates did not directly claim that people know right from wrong but choose to do evil. Instead, he focused on the idea that people do wrong because of ignorance and lack of understanding about what is truly good. Socrates believed that once people gain knowledge and wisdom, they would naturally pursue what is right.

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Was Plato Socrates greatest competition?

No, Plato was Socrates' student.

Was Socrates the greatest Athenian philosopher a stonemason?

No, Socrates was not a stonemason; he was a philosopher in ancient Athens. He is considered one of the greatest Western philosophers for his contributions to the fields of ethics and epistemology.

Who was Socrates' greatest student?

Socrates' greatest student was Plato. Plato went on to become one of the most influential philosophers in Western philosophy and founded the Academy in Athens. He recorded many of Socrates' ideas and dialogues in his works.

Who were the three greatest greek thinkers?

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

What is evil according to Socrates?

Socrates believed that evil arises from ignorance. He thought that people do wrong because they lack knowledge of what is good and virtuous, so to act in a harmful way is to act against one's own best interest. Socrates believed that knowledge of the good would lead to moral behavior.

Who were three of the greatest greek thinkers?

Three of the greatest Greek thinkers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Socrates is known for his contribution to moral philosophy, Plato for his influential dialogues and the founding of the Academy, and Aristotle for his work in logic, metaphysics, and ethics. Together, they laid the foundation for Western philosophy.

Is your brother eviL?

evil definition is based on your min set. accommodate and identify ignorance, the evil meaning erases.

Did Socrates claim that people know right from wrong but do evil anyway?

Socrates did not directly claim that people know right from wrong but choose to do evil. Instead, he focused on the idea that people do wrong because of ignorance and lack of understanding about what is truly good. Socrates believed that once people gain knowledge and wisdom, they would naturally pursue what is right.

Who said 'Ignorance is the root of all evil'?

Molly Ivans. And, much earlier: Gautama, the Buddha. He called Ignorance Avijja. Earlier than that, was Socrates. Socrates believed that the means to the good life (summum bonum = the ultimate good) was a beautiful, or virtuous soul. His argument is that we choose evil because we think it will be good for us. We rob the bank because we think more money will be good for us. But to Socrates, robbing the bank taints your soul. We sin because we are ignorant of the real means to a good life - virtue. To Socrates, there would be no evil if everyone realized that virtue is the only means to the good life. If we could stick together the end and the means - there would be no evil.

Who was the greatest among Socrates Plato and Aristotle?

It is subjective to determine the greatest among Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, as each made significant contributions to philosophy. Socrates is known for his dialectical method, which heavily influenced both Plato and Aristotle. Plato emphasized the theory of forms and the importance of education. Aristotle made important contributions to logic, metaphysics, ethics, and scientific methodology. Each thinker's ideas built upon and influenced the others, creating a rich tradition in Western philosophy.

Who made the famous quote 'There is only one good knowledge and one evil ignorance'?

The famous quote "There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance" is attributed to Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher. It reflects his belief in the importance of seeking knowledge and wisdom to achieve a good life.

What is Socrates view on evil?

Socrates believed that people only commit evil actions out of ignorance, as they mistakenly believe that behaving in a harmful or wrong way will bring them happiness or benefit. He argued that true knowledge and wisdom would lead individuals to always choose good over evil, as goodness is intrinsically tied to virtue and the ultimate goal of living a fulfilling and harmonious life.