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The Philippines have been influenced by the United States and by Spain. One influence is that English is the second official language there. That may have been based on the fact that America "owned" the nation as part of the peace treaty between the USA and Spain as the end of the Spanish American war. That a majority of the people are Catholic was based on the fact that the country was a Spanish colony.

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The Philippines has been influenced by various foreign powers throughout history, including Spain, the United States, and Japan. These influences are evident in aspects such as language, religion, cuisine, and architecture. Today, the Philippines maintains a unique blend of indigenous culture and these foreign influences.

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What is the origin of dance in the Philippines?

Dance in the Philippines has indigenous roots dating back to pre-colonial times, with each region having its own unique dances. These traditional dances were influenced by cultural, religious, and social practices of various indigenous tribes. Over time, these dances have evolved and been shaped by Spanish, American, and other foreign influences.

Is Philippines a copycat country?

No, the Philippines is not a copycat country. While it is true that some cultural influences and trends from other countries may be present, the Philippines also has its own unique culture, traditions, and identity that set it apart.

Who invented the Philippines?

The Philippines was not invented by one person. It is a country with a history that includes various indigenous tribes, Spanish colonization, and influences from other countries such as the United States and Japan. The Philippines as a nation emerged through a series of historical events and struggles for independence.

What are the negative influences of America to Philippines?

Some negative influences of America on the Philippines include cultural imperialism, economic dependency, and historical oppression. American media and consumerism have influenced Filipino cultural values, sometimes overshadowing local traditions. Economic policies and practices imposed by the US have contributed to the Philippines' economic reliance on foreign aid and investments. Additionally, the US colonization of the Philippines in the past has left a legacy of exploitation and discrimination that continues to impact Filipino society today.

What are the Indian influences in the Philippines?

Indian influences in the Philippines are primarily seen in language, culture, and religion. Sanskrit loanwords are present in the Filipino language, particularly in terms related to trade and religion. Hindu-Buddhist cultural elements such as architecture and art can be observed in some historical sites in the Philippines. Additionally, Indian religions like Hinduism and Buddhism have had some influence on Filipino beliefs and practices.