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one of the effect of the Spanish colonization in the phiippines is the abolition of slavery ,

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The effects of Spanish colonization in the Philippines included the introduction of Christianity, forced labor, and the establishment of a feudal system. Negative contributions included exploitation of resources, suppression of local culture, and social inequality. Positive contributions included the introduction of a written language, new crops and livestock, and the construction of infrastructure like schools and churches.

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Q: What are the effects of Spanish colonization to the Philippines and the negative and positive contributions?
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What are the good contributions of the Spaniards in the Philippines?

Some positive contributions of the Spaniards in the Philippines include the introduction of Christianity, which has shaped the cultural and religious landscape of the country. They also established the foundation of Philippine education and governance systems, as well as introduced new crops, cuisine, and architectural styles.

Is slender a positive or negative connotation?

"Slender" typically carries a neutral connotation, describing someone or something as slim or slender in appearance. It is not necessarily positive or negative on its own, but can depend on the context in which it is used.

Can selective connotations be negative?

Yes, selective connotations can be negative if they involve the deliberate highlighting of certain negative meanings or interpretations associated with a particular word or phrase while ignoring other more neutral or positive connotations. This can lead to bias and misrepresentation.

What are the differences between negative peace and positive peace?

Negative peace refers to the absence of violence or conflict, while positive peace focuses on addressing underlying causes of conflict, promoting justice, human rights, and sustainable development. Negative peace may involve temporary ceasefires or truces, while positive peace aims for long-term reconciliation and social cohesion. Positive peace involves addressing systemic issues to prevent the reemergence of violence.

What are the positive and negative attitudes of the Filipino?

Positive attitudes of Filipinos include hospitality, resilience, and strong family values. Negative attitudes may include crab mentality (envy or resentment towards others' success), fatalism, and sometimes a tendency towards corruption.

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