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The basic processes underlying the sense of hearing involve sound waves entering the ear canal and causing vibrations in the eardrum. These vibrations are transmitted through the middle ear bones to the cochlea, where hair cells convert the vibrations into electrical signals that are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve. The brain processes these signals to perceive and interpret different sounds.

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Q: What are the basic processes that underline the senses of hearing?
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What are the three key philosophies of total quality management?

The three key philosophies of Total Quality Management are continuous improvement, customer focus, and employee involvement. Continuous improvement involves constantly striving to enhance processes and products. Customer focus means meeting or exceeding customer expectations. Employee involvement emphasizes the importance of empowering employees to contribute to quality improvement efforts.

Who was the founder of basic need approach?

The basic needs approach was popularized by economist Mahbub ul Haq in the 1970s. He believed that development should be focused on meeting the basic needs of people, such as food, shelter, education, and healthcare, rather than just focusing on economic growth.

What is natural logic in philosophical meaning?

Natural logic in philosophy refers to the idea that certain principles of reasoning are inherent or intuitive to human beings, rather than being explicitly taught or learned. It suggests that there are basic logical principles that are universally understood and applied by people in their everyday thinking and decision-making processes. This concept challenges the idea that all logical reasoning is solely dependent on formal instruction or training.

What is a basic truth?

A basic truth is a fact or principle that is widely accepted as accurate or valid without needing further proof or explanation. It is a foundational belief that serves as a basis for understanding or reasoning.

What are the 3 basic elements of rhetoric?

The three basic elements of rhetoric are logos (logic), pathos (emotion), and ethos (credibility). These elements are used to persuade and influence an audience in communication.

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six. 1 Touch 2 Taste 3 Sight 4 Smell 5 hearing 6 your min five only

What are the six senses in your body?

well, there r ur basic 5 :sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing but the sixth one is something like a future telling thing. its a sense that u can predict things with sort of.

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