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There were many advantages and dis-advantages in the scientific revolution. The people who were advantaged were women, children, merchants and scientist. Women were advantaged because more respect was given to women after the renaissance and more medical care was available. Children were advantaged because the quality of life became better and the children could have a longer happier life. Merchants were privileged when merchandise were mass produced so the merchants could buy it cheaper and make more profit. Scientists were advantaged since their theories were proved and more and more people believed them. The people who were dis-advantaged were priests, royal family and the Catholic Church. Priests were dis-advantaged because of the introducing of science, priests became less popular. The Royal Family suffered quite a deal. They became less popular as people realised that the King may not have been chosen by God because people were starting to doubt God's existence. The Catholic Church suffered extraordinary because less and less people favoured them mostly because they lied to the followers of the Catholic religion. As is evident to see, there are many advantages and dis-advantages of the Scientific Revolution which helped make the world the way it is today.

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Advantages of living in the Renaissance include a flourishing of art, culture, and scientific innovation. However, disadvantages may include social inequalities, limited access to education for many, and the prevalence of diseases without modern medical treatments.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the Renaissance?
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What are advantages and disadvantages to living in a rural area?

Advantages of living in a rural area include a quieter and more peaceful environment, closer connection to nature, and potentially lower cost of living. However, disadvantages can include limited access to amenities such as healthcare facilities, fewer job opportunities, and longer travel times to reach urban centers for services and entertainment.

Advantages and disadvantages of immortality?

Advantages of immortality include the ability to experience life without the fear of death and the opportunity to accumulate vast knowledge and wisdom over time. However, disadvantages may include seeing loved ones age and pass away, potential feelings of loneliness or boredom from living indefinitely, and the impact on the environment and resources due to a growing immortal population.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of spanish colonization in the Philippines?

Advantages of Spanish colonization in the Philippines include the introduction of Christianity, establishment of a formal education system, and the influence of Spanish culture on language and traditions. Disadvantages include forced labor, suppression of local culture and traditions, and economic exploitation of resources.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a pope?

Advantages of being a pope include spiritual authority, influence over millions of Catholics worldwide, and the ability to shape and guide Catholic doctrine. Disadvantages may include intense public scrutiny, high expectations, and limitations on personal freedom and privacy.

What is the difference between renaissance and humanism?

The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century in Europe, characterized by a revival of interest in classical art, literature, and learning. Humanism was a key intellectual movement during the Renaissance that emphasized the importance of human values, individualism, and the potential of human beings to achieve greatness. In essence, humanism was a prominent philosophical component of the broader Renaissance movement.

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