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4mo ago

People can be equal or unequal in terms of access to opportunities, resources, education, healthcare, and employment. They can also be equal or unequal in terms of social status, wealth, power, and legal rights. Additionally, people can be equal or unequal in terms of their abilities, talents, and skills.

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Q: What are some other ways in which people can be equal or unequal?
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Why are some people more equal than others?

The idea that some people are more equal than others can stem from various factors, such as societal norms, privilege, discrimination, and unequal distribution of resources. These factors can create disparities in opportunities, treatment, and outcomes, resulting in a perception of inequality among individuals or groups. Acknowledging and addressing these issues is essential for promoting equality and social justice.

Would John Rawls argue that it is unjust to give some people more opportunity than others?

Yes, John Rawls would argue that it is unjust to give some people more opportunity than others. He believed in the principle of justice as fairness, which requires that inequalities in wealth and opportunity should only be permitted if they benefit the least advantaged members of society. Unequal opportunities that systematically disadvantage certain groups would violate Rawls' concept of justice.

Why in the world do people have so many questions?

People have questions because they are curious, seeking knowledge, clarification, or understanding. Asking questions is a fundamental way for humans to learn, grow, and connect with others. It is a natural part of the human experience to seek information and make sense of the world around us.

Which sentence best describes the Enlightenment idea of the social contract?

The Enlightenment idea of the social contract posits that individuals agree to give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and security from a governing authority. It represents a mutual agreement between the people and their government to uphold laws and protect each other's rights.

What are three ways that squealer and the pigs rewrite history in animal farm?

Squealer and the pigs distort the truth by revising the commandments set by Old Major, such as changing "All animals are equal" to "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." They manipulate the past to discredit Snowball, portraying him as a traitor and blaming him for various misfortunes on the farm. The pigs constantly rewrite the narrative of the farm's history to maintain their power and control over the other animals, portraying themselves as the heroes and saviors of the farm's revolution.

Related questions

What is a negative feature of a free market system?

It's unequal; some people do well while others do not

What does an unequal distribution of wealth mean?

Resources are not fairly distributed among members of society.

Does individuality exist?

Yes, individuality exists as the unique set of traits, characteristics, and experiences that distinguish one person from another. Each individual is shaped by their own thoughts, beliefs, preferences, and life choices, leading to a diverse range of identities and personalities within society.

The unequal of food caused some people to be hungry What the best word to use.?

that your stomach be growling

What is unequal?

Unequal heating is when some parts of your house, condo, or office is heated and some parts aren't.

Why are some people more equal than others?

The idea that some people are more equal than others can stem from various factors, such as societal norms, privilege, discrimination, and unequal distribution of resources. These factors can create disparities in opportunities, treatment, and outcomes, resulting in a perception of inequality among individuals or groups. Acknowledging and addressing these issues is essential for promoting equality and social justice.

Does fair mean everyone has an equal share?

No because lets say some countries there are some beggers it is fair enough they get to live in that country but it is not equal that rich people have mansions, cars,body gaurds e.t.c.those on the streets will find this unequal. Another example the time period when black and whites were separate blacks would at least have schools,houses,offices e.t.c but whites would have everything blacks had but better. that was very unequal. But mostly there should not be rich and poor

Where is this quotes of everyone's equal only some people are more equal than other from?

this is from a book call Animal farm by george Orwell

Which of the following is a negative features of a free market system?

It's unequal; some people do well while others do not.

Prefix for equal?

The prefix meaning equal is spelled "equi-." Some words that start with this prefix are equilateral, equivalence, and equidistant.

Why do people disagree that people should have the ability to experience equality?

Because there have always been some people that believe they should be "more equal" than other people.

Was there unequal distribution of wealth during the Great Depression?

Yes. * Some rich people became poor, but there was still a group of people who were rich and some who were poor * So, long answer short - yes