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A false statement made by a sworn witness during a judicial proceeding is considered perjury. Perjury is the intentional act of lying or making misleading statements while under oath. It is a serious offense that undermines the integrity of the legal system and can result in criminal charges for the individual who committed perjury.

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Q: What Is a false statement made by a sworn witness during judicial proceeding?
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Continue Learning about Philosophy

Which philosopher stated the unexamined life is not worth living?

Socrates, a classical Greek philosopher, is famous for the statement "the unexamined life is not worth living." He made this statement during his trial in which he was accused of corrupting the youth and neglecting the city's gods.

What is the purpose of the whipping ceremony the bernard and lenina witness?

The whipping ceremony is a ritual in which community members self-flagellate in a symbolic act of purification and atonement. It serves as a way for community members to release pent-up emotions and reinforce social norms. Bernard and Lenina witness the ceremony during their visit to the Savage Reservation in Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World."

What to write in a yearbook statement?

In your yearbook statement, you can thank your friends and teachers for their support, reminisce about memorable moments from the school year, share your future aspirations, and offer words of encouragement or inspiration to your classmates. Make sure it reflects your personality and captures the essence of your high school experience.

What is a good thesis statement for Montezuma?

A good thesis statement for Montezuma could be: "Montezuma's complex leadership during the Aztec Empire's decline reveals a nuanced perspective on his character and decisions, shaped by political intrigue, culture clash with Spanish conquistadors, and conflicting historical interpretations."

What is the difference between rationale of the thesis and problem of the statement?

The rationale of the thesis explains the reasons behind the research, the goals, and the significance of the study. The problem statement identifies the issue or gap in knowledge that the research aims to address and sets the context for the study by highlighting the problem or question being investigated.

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When can a lawyer get a copy of the witness statement?

During the "discovery" portion of the trial procedure.

Can you use a written witness statement in small claims court?

Yes, a written witness statement can be used as evidence in small claims court. It is important for the statement to be signed and dated by the witness, and ideally notarized for added credibility. The court will consider the witness statement along with other evidence presented during the case.

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Question doesn't make sense. You can plead guilty AT ANY TIME during a judicial proceeding, you don't have to ask for a stipulation (judge's permission) to do so.

If a person is called to the court as witness is it necessary for him to attend?

If a person is not able to attend a trial, many times the witness can make an official statement, called a deposition.Added: YES, it IS necessary. While the above statement could be true in rare circumstances - unless the witness is near death or suffering from grave injuries preventing his attendance, a court will seldom, if ever, accept a depostion in lieu of live testimony, during which the witness can be cross examined.

When should you object to the prosecution questions?

Objections are made when there is a legal basis for an objection; however, they should be used judiciously as too many petty objections may turn off the jury. Unlike on The Peoples Court where litigants "object" to every statement they don't agree with, in real life, objections may only be made if there is a legal basis. For example, in a redirect examination, questions may only be asked that directly relate to matters raised during the proceeding cross examination. If during redirect, the attorney asks a question about a matter not raised during the proceeding cross, the opposing attorney would object that the question was "beyond the scope" of cross examination. Another example would be for "hearsay," a statement made outside of court by a person other than the witness. If a witness tries to testify about something someone else said, the attorney should object on the basis of hearsay (there are exceptions to the hearsay rule, however). See the Federal Rules of Evidence for a list of all objectionable matter.

What type of witness that gives testimony to what they heard or saw during the commission of a crime?

An Eye Witness

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During a Grand Jury proceeding, the prosecutor isn't required to present all evidence in his possession. He needs to present enough to convince the jurors that there is enough evidence for an indictment.

Why is there no jury or witness during a hearing at the Supreme Court?

There are no witnesses or juries at either the Supreme Court OR the Courts Of Appeal. They hear only cases which have already been tried at the lower level of the judicial system and their rulings affect the decisions rendered at that level of the system.

What happens to someone who testifies?

When someone testifies, they provide sworn evidence or testimony during a legal proceeding such as a trial or hearing. Their testimony is used to help determine the facts of the case and may influence the outcome. It is important for a witness to tell the truth while testifying to avoid potential legal consequences for perjury.

Can a motion for judicial notice be made during a trial?

Yes, a reference asking "Judicial Notice, may be made at any time during a trial - and done without a formal motion.