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First of all the slave trade was started. many black people turned againts eachother, and the population decreased dramaticly in Africa, because of all of the slaves used as tools in other countrys. britain traded goods with these countries such as sugar, rum, nicotine, cotton, tobbaco and many more. when these cheep luxuries came into fashion, everyone wanted some. a have to have. the slave trade build britain up to be a powerfull nd rich empire, so in some way there were positive benifits for britain. however on the other side of the boat were the poor slaves. these slaves, some killed off suicide genral hygeine or lack of food, where cramped into large ship and forced to work in jamica for life. and so this had a very negative effect on africa. overtime these luxirous cheep treats became like drugs. we endulge to much into these substances and some people may refer to them as drugs. so it just shows how much opinions change overtime.

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5mo ago

No, the slave trade had no benefits. It resulted in the dehumanization, exploitation, and suffering of millions of African individuals who were forcibly enslaved and transported to different parts of the world. The long-term effects continue to impact societies through issues of systemic racism and inequality.

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Q: Were there any benefits in the slave trade?
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How did African merchants contribute to the development of the Atlantic slave trade?

African merchants played a role in facilitating the Atlantic slave trade by capturing and selling individuals from rival ethnic groups to European slave traders in exchange for goods like firearms and textiles. This trade was often driven by intertribal conflict and the desire to gain power and resources.

Who argued against the continuation of the slave trade?

Abolitionists such as William Wilberforce, Thomas Clarkson, and Olaudah Equiano argued against the continuation of the slave trade. They used moral, ethical, and religious arguments to push for the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade.

What role did William wilberforce and john newton play in ending slavery?

William Wilberforce was a British politician and philanthropist who campaigned tirelessly for the abolition of the slave trade in the British Empire. John Newton, a former slave ship captain turned abolitionist, influenced Wilberforce with his personal account of the brutality of the slave trade. Together, their efforts led to the passing of the Slave Trade Act of 1807, which abolished the transatlantic slave trade in the British Empire.

Did barbot and equiano agree on the methods used?

Barbot and Equiano did not agree on the methods used in the slave trade. Barbot was a European slave trader who profited from the trade, while Equiano was a former slave who became an abolitionist and spoke out against the inhumane treatment of slaves. They held opposing views on the morality and ethics of the slave trade.

How did slaves feel about slave trade?

Slaves generally felt dehumanized, exploited, and oppressed by the slave trade. They experienced loss of freedom, family separation, physical abuse, and harsh living conditions. The trauma and lasting impact of the slave trade are profound and continue to affect descendants today.

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How did new England benefit from slave trade?

They had financial benefits and slaves were a good trade commodity.

What among the following seems to have the most favorable view of the slave trade?

It appears that the pamphlet "The African Slave Trade" tends to have the most favorable view of the slave trade, as it argues for the economic benefits and justifications of slavery.

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Why do you think slave trade flourished for so long?

Economic benefits for influencial people. Racism/fear/ignorance

Why do you think the slave trade flourished for so long?

Economic benefits for influencial people. Racism/fear/ignorance

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it is in with the slave trade because many people worked very hard to make money or get land and some people just dont do any work. So they brought people who did work to do the work for them.

How were slaves bought and sold in the slave trade?

Same way as any property . There were also slave auctions.

Which compromise guaranteed that the slave trade could exist for 20 years?

Commerce and slave trade compromise

What did James Wilson think about the slave trade?

he did not own any slaves

Did Australia have any slaves?

No, Australia was never involved with the slave trade.

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