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Brutus and Cassius considered rule by the peoples' representatives in the Senate in Roman Democracy far advisable than rule by an Emperor. After his magnificent diplomacy in Greece and after his many unequalled victories on his way back after his Egyptian tour, the Senate had already conferred on Caesar the authority of Dictator. Though he was a very wise and judicious man, Caesar was not tactful enough not to hint and suggest his nomination and appointment by the Senate as the Emperor of All Roman Lands. It was in that fateful Senate meeting that he was stabbed by his trustful friend Brutus. But Brutus soon learned that real democracy in Rome was a mirage, skillfully created by the treachery and greed of Octavian, a crown-seeker. So the disiilusioned he got himself killed by Cassius. The somewhat repentant Cassius also took his own life. History says that even if he had been appointed by the Senate as Emperor, Caesar would only have ruled the Roman lands justfully. His diplomatic and military strategy in enthroning Cleopatra in Egypt proves his statesmanship. None other in his times in Rome could rise to his political and administrative calibre. Therefore his killing in the Roman Senate was unnecessary and hence Brutus and Cassius ensured preservation of no political value. History existed in the recorded form far earlier than Shakespeare and don't count on him for learning the true facts of the ancient Roman lfe. He altered not the lives of famous characters in history but their attitudes, to attain stage success. His dramas were prepared not to be read as literary creations but to be acted on stage for a living even though he loathed doing it.

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The main political value that Brutus and Cassius share is their belief in the principles of republicanism and their dedication to preserving the Roman Republic. They both fear the rise of a tyrant and are committed to promoting the ideals of democracy and the rule of law. Additionally, they both prioritize the welfare of Rome and its citizens above personal gain or ambition.

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The US and France share beliefs in democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression. Both countries value individual liberties and equality under the law. Additionally, they both promote secularism and the separation of religion and state.

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Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas would likely disagree that all moral and political truth is relative to one's time and place. They believed in objective standards of morality and sought to uncover universal truths that are applicable across different contexts and time periods. They emphasized the importance of reason and virtue in determining moral and political principles.

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