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Humanism. It emphasized the potential of humans to achieve great things, valued individualism, and focused on the study of classical literature and art.

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Q: The dominant intellectual movement of the Renaissance was called?
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The intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievement was called?

The intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievement was called the Renaissance. It emerged in Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries, emphasizing art, literature, philosophy, and exploration. The period saw a revival of interest in classical learning and a celebration of human creativity and individualism.

What was the intellectual movement called humanism?

Humanism was an intellectual movement during the Renaissance that focused on the study of classical texts, human potential, and the importance of individual achievement. It emphasized critical thinking, education, and the belief in the capacity of humans to improve society through reason and rationality. Humanism also promoted a shift away from religious authority towards a focus on human values and secular concerns.

What was the 18th century intellectual movement beginning in France called?

The 18th century intellectual movement beginning in France was called the Enlightenment. It was characterized by a focus on reason, science, and individual rights, and sought to challenge traditional authority and promote progress and freedom.

Why is Petrarch called the father of Italian Renaissance humanism?

Petrarch is called the father of Italian Renaissance humanism because he was one of the first to revive interest in classical texts and culture, inspiring a new focus on human potential and achievements. His works emphasized the importance of individuality, education, and the pursuit of knowledge, laying the foundation for the humanist movement of the Renaissance in Italy.

What is the intellectual movement called in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential?

The intellectual movement is called Humanism. It emphasized the study of classical texts to understand human nature, potential, and achievements. Humanists believed in the power of education and the pursuit of knowledge to improve society and individuals.

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The intellectual movement that began in France is called existentialism.

The intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievement was called?

The intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievement was called the Renaissance. It emerged in Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries, emphasizing art, literature, philosophy, and exploration. The period saw a revival of interest in classical learning and a celebration of human creativity and individualism.

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Harlem renaissance

What was the intellectual movement called humanism?

Humanism was an intellectual movement during the Renaissance that focused on the study of classical texts, human potential, and the importance of individual achievement. It emphasized critical thinking, education, and the belief in the capacity of humans to improve society through reason and rationality. Humanism also promoted a shift away from religious authority towards a focus on human values and secular concerns.

Which art movement imitated the art of ancient Greece and rome?

They are called the "Renaissance" from French Renaissance, meaning "rebirth". This movement was spanned roughly from the 14th to the 17th century.

What was the intellectual movement in France during the 1700s that included philosophies such as Voltaire Rousseau and Diderot?

The intellectual movement in France during the 1700s that included philosophers such as Voltaire, Rousseau and Diderot was called Enlightenment. They were called Follower of the Enlightenment. The century was called the Age of Enlightenment.

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Aaron douglas was associated with the "Harlem Renaissance movement", also called the "negro movement"

What was the 18th century intellectual movement beginning in France called?

The 18th century intellectual movement beginning in France was called the Enlightenment. It was characterized by a focus on reason, science, and individual rights, and sought to challenge traditional authority and promote progress and freedom.

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Harlem Renaissance

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What contributed to revolution in Spanish America?

The European intellectual movement called the Enlightenment, which also inspired the American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799).

What was the renaissance movement called in England?

It was known as the "Elizabeth Era" or "The Age of Spakespeare"