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Stephen Douglas was a proponent of popular sovereignty, believing that individual territories should decide for themselves whether to permit or prohibit slavery. He supported the idea of maintaining the Union even if it meant compromising on issues such as slavery, as seen in the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Douglas argued that these compromises were necessary to prevent civil war.

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Q: Stephen Douglas's response to slavery
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What did Stephen a Douglass think about slavery?

Stephen A. Douglas believed in the concept of popular sovereignty, which allowed residents of a territory to decide whether or not to permit slavery. He believed this approach would help avoid conflicts over the issue of slavery in new territories.

Was Stephen Douglass pro or anti slavery?

Stephen Douglas supported popular sovereignty, which allowed territories to decide whether to allow slavery. He believed in letting each territory make its own choice on the issue of slavery, rather than imposing a federal decision. Overall, his position on slavery was complex and evolved over time, leading to criticism from both pro and anti-slavery groups.

What did Douglass feel was the biggest issue with regard to slavery?

Frederick Douglass believed that the biggest issue with regard to slavery was the denial of education to enslaved individuals. He saw education as key to liberation and empowerment, enabling enslaved people to challenge their circumstances and fight for their freedom.

What was Stephen a Douglass's view on slavery?

By all accounts, Senator Stephan A. Douglas was against slavery. And, as was the norm in the US and on a world wide basis in the middle of the 19th century, many people had the belief that either their nationality, ethic group or race, placed them above other peoples. This is an outdated and wrong idea.

What was Stephen Douglass view on slavery?

By all accounts, Senator Stephan A. Douglas was against slavery. And, as was the norm in the US and on a world wide basis in the middle of the 19th century, many people had the belief that either their nationality, ethic group or race, placed them above other peoples. This is an outdated and wrong idea.

Related questions

What decision made popular sovereignty a national policy for dealing with slavery?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act, promoted by Stephen Douglass.

What is it called when Letting each state vote whether to have slavery or not?

Popular sovereigntysee Wikipedia article on Stephen A. Douglass for more information.

What did Stephen a Douglass think about slavery?

Stephen A. Douglas believed in the concept of popular sovereignty, which allowed residents of a territory to decide whether or not to permit slavery. He believed this approach would help avoid conflicts over the issue of slavery in new territories.

What was the childhood of Stephen A Douglass like?

There is not much known about the childhood of Stephen A. Douglass. He was born to Stephen Arnold Douglass and Sarah Fisk in 1847. He was well educated and taught school for some time.

How do Jacobs' descriptions of slavery's abuses--and the pathways to freedom--differ from Douglass'?

Jacobs' descriptions of slavery's abuses was he was all for it. Douglass however was not into the slavery abuse.

Was Stephen Douglass pro or anti slavery?

Stephen Douglas supported popular sovereignty, which allowed territories to decide whether to allow slavery. He believed in letting each territory make its own choice on the issue of slavery, rather than imposing a federal decision. Overall, his position on slavery was complex and evolved over time, leading to criticism from both pro and anti-slavery groups.

Was Frederick Douglass born into slavery?

Yes he was born into slavery.

Who were Stephen Douglas's parents?

his parents were Stephen A. Douglass and Sarah Fisk

What did Frederick Douglass do to stop slavery?

when did Frederick Douglass help end slaves

Did Lincoln or Douglass oppose to slavery?

Neither of the two were opposed to slavery.

Did Frederick Douglass want slavery?

he was not with slavery he was with the North or with Abraham Lincoln

When was Stephen Douglass born?

Kentucky Texas.