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It is not advisable to suggest or encourage anyone to harm themselves. If you or someone you know is experiencing thoughts of self-harm, please seek help from a mental health professional or a crisis hotline immediately.

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Q: Should have narcissus killed himself
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Greek myth youth who fell in love with his reflection?

The youth who fell in love with his reflection was Narcissus. He was so enamored with his own beauty that he couldn't tear himself away from his reflection in the water, eventually withering away and transforming into the Narcissus flower.

Did The goddess of vengeance took revenge upon Narcissus by tricking him into falling in love with his own reflection.?

No, in the myth of Narcissus, it was not the goddess of vengeance who caused him to fall in love with his own reflection. Narcissus was cursed by the goddess Nemesis to fall in love with his reflection as punishment for his vanity and pride. He became obsessed with his own image and wasted away looking at himself in a pool of water until he turned into the flower that bears his name.

Does narcissus have a realm?

In Greek mythology, Narcissus is associated with the concept of self-love and vanity, but he doesn't have a realm like a god or goddess would. He is more commonly known for the story of Narcissus and Echo, where he falls in love with his own reflection.

What should have we learned from Narcissus?

We should have learned the importance of self-awareness and humility, and the dangers of excessive self-love and vanity. Narcissus's story teaches us to strike a balance between self-care and self-absorption, and to appreciate the beauty in the world around us rather than being consumed by our own image.

What is the moral behind the greek myth of Narcissus?

The moral behind the myth of Narcissus is a warning about the dangers of excessive self-love and obsession with one's own image. It teaches us the consequences of vanity and the importance of balance in self-perception and relationships.

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Who did Narcissus marry?

Narcissus didn't marry anybody. He died, and he was in love with himself.

Goddess echo narcissus and pan were they in love with the same person minning echo?

-echo was a nymph who loved narcissus -narcissus loved himself -pan loves echo -narcissus died cause he wouldn't stop looking at himself to eat -echo died of depression from losing narcissus -pan continued his life as a god

What do Icarus Medusa and Narcissus have in common?

They were both killed by reflections.

In Greek mythology whom did Narcissus love?

He loved only himself. On the other hand the nymph Echo was in love with Narcissus.

Why does Aphrodite punish Narcissus?

Because Narcissus was loved; but loved no one but himself in turn.

Did Adonis admire himself a lot?

Not particularly. You are thinking of Narcissus.

Who was punished by being made to fall in love with his own reflection in a spring?

Narcissus, hence Narcissus complex. One who adores himself

Who was narcissus of Greek mythology?

Narcissus was a man that was fell in love with himself when he discovered his reflection in a lake. He stayed there until he died of starvation

What was narcissus about?

narcissus was the son of Nemesis, goddess of revenge, who was cursed with falling in love with himself so he would never get married. all he does all day is literally stare in the mirror and admire himself.

What kind of person is Narcissus?

Narcissus was a "narcissistic" person becuase when he saw his reflection, he only cared about himself and didn't care about anyone else.

How is narcissus considred to be reborn?

the flower that we call Narcissus which grew in the place his body died as he admired himself literally to death in the waters reflection

What are the major accomplishments of Aphrodite?

Making Narcissus falls in love with himself