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Athena grants wisdom, cleverness, and strategic thinking to people she helps, allowing them to navigate challenges and make wise decisions. She is also a protector and guide, offering guidance and support to those in need.

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Q: Judging from how Athena helps Telemachus and Nausicaa what quality does Athena give to people?
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Why does Athena allow the suitors to heckle and offend Telemachus and Odysseus?

Athena allows the suitors to offend Telemachus and Odysseus to test their patience, courage, and resolve. By facing adversity and showing their true character, Telemachus and Odysseus prove themselves worthy of Athena's help and guidance in their quest to reclaim their kingdom.

Who does Telemachus think Odysseus is when they reunite?

Telemachus initially thinks Odysseus is a stranger when they reunite, as Athena has disguised Odysseus to test his son's loyalty and bravery. Telemachus only realizes the truth after Odysseus reveals their shared knowledge of a secret about their household.

Who does Telemachus think is the third person in the hut?

Telemachus thinks the third person in the hut is a god in disguise, possibly Athena.

How does Athena help Telemachus in book 2 select all that apply?

Athena helps Telemachus by appearing to him disguised as Mentor to encourage him to call an assembly and speak out against the suitors. She also inspires him to seek information about his father's whereabouts from Nestor and Menelaus. Additionally, Athena provides guidance and reassurance to Telemachus in moments of doubt and difficulty.

Why does Telemachus doubt that Athena and Zeus will help against the suitors?

Telemachus is unsure if Athena and Zeus will assist because he lacks faith in his own abilities and doubts if he is truly worthy of their support. Additionally, he may feel overwhelmed by the situation with the suitors and may be skeptical about the gods intervening in mortal affairs.

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Athena advises Telemachus to leave Ithaca and travel on a journey to find his father, Odysseus

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Athena is in disguise and persuades telemachus to find his father