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Sex is NOT inherently immoral. Of course there are things you should keep in mind: have safe sex, and don't betray a monogamous partner. But you should never feel guilty or shameful for wanting sex, or for having sex, regardless of what your preacher or sex ed teacher might tell you (these people are paid to spread anti-sex Propaganda). Virginity is not magical or sacred any more than the amount of skydiving experience you have. Your sexuality is a completely natural human desire and it is not natural to suppress it. When you have sex, you aren't losing something, giving something away, or giving up a part of you. You're just sharing one of life's natural pleasures with a partner.

Just make sure to make decisions logically; think with your mind, not your genitals. Or your preacher's mind.

ALWAYS use a condom! They DO work!

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5mo ago

The morality of sex is subjective and varies among different cultures, religions, and individuals. It is important to understand and respect the beliefs and values of others when discussing this topic. Consensual and respectful sexual behavior is generally considered ethical in most societies.

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Q: Is sex immoral
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For some Christians same sex marriage is immoral, but others value love and inclusiveness. The jury is out as to why gays are gay. Others feel that being gay is a choice and a bad one. The gay community is getting stronger by the year and, in many countries 'gay bashing' or taking the rights from gays is breaking the law. Gays are able to get married in the US, Canada and more than 20 other countries. Christian or not, we are not here on earth to judge and without bringing sexual relationships into the mix we are simply all human beings working hard; paying bills and thus, should be worried more about what else is going on in the world.

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No. This branch of Judaism rejects homosexuality as immoral, since the Torah forbids it (Leviticus ch.18).

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